Lady Chiyo's Sacrifice

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~(Y/n)'s p.o.v.~

Neji used his byakugan to guide us towards Naruto and Kakashi, and as we ran we eventually met up with the rest of Team Guy. Come on keep up you two I teased as we jumped over Tenten and Lee who clearly were running slower waiting for us to catch up with them. "Now look what you did Tenten," Lee complained as they caught up with us. I chuckled and tried to ignore the pain in my lungs. Definitely bruised it during the fight with Guy Sensei's clone.

"You doing okay (Y/n)?" Tenten asked me. I smiled and nodded my head, "Just a little battered, you and Neji are one hell of opponents," I explained. "She doesn't look any more hurt than we do Tenten, why do you ask about her?" Lee wondered. "Well it's just that, I figured she'd have used her jutsu to get to Naruto faster." she explained. Lee widened his eyes, "oh I see. That is a great question," he admitted and then the spotlight was on me once again...

"I told you already, the Akatsuki don't seem to be after Naruto or me specifically but after the thing inside of us. To my knowledge we are the first ever jinjuriki to not have the entire tailed beast sealed inside us. The working theory right now is that they need both of our beasts for whatever they are plotting, and it won't work with just one or the other. So the best strategy we have right now is to keep Naruto and I separated," I explained, grinding my teeth at the last sentence.

"That's why you've been so moody," Lee pointed out. That startled me a little, "Lee! That was so rude! Apologize!" Tenten shouted as she hit him upside the head. "Ow! Okay I'm sorry, but it is true. She's been upset this whole time, and now I know why. Because she can't be beside her brother." he explained as he rubbed his head. I looked forward, not meeting any of their eye contact, but it wasn't just because of what Lee had said.

That feeling in my stomach was back...

"Go on (Y/n)," Guy Sensei said. I looked back at him in surprise. "Sensei?" I asked. "We're close enough as it is to the battlefield and Neji says the enemy is in bad shape too. Go to your brother and we'll catch up. Besides if anything goes wrong, you can always return to us," he explained. My look of surprise turned into a smile, "Thank you Sensei!" I cheered before I pulled myself towards the mark on Naruto's neck. The scary thing was I felt it disappear the moment my feet touched the tree branch.

"Naru- ack," I was interrupted by a painful feeling in my stomach. Kurama was really scratching up against the door now, and... this anger.... It was so much! I fell down to one knee and felt someone put their hand on my shoulder, "(Y/n) why are you here?" Kakashi asked me. I looked at him, and struggled to turn my head to look around us. I saw a Naruto by Kakashi clutching his eyes muttering about something burning while two over Naruto's held Gaara on a different branch did the same thing, and below all of them was a Naruto surrounded in a strange red chakra. I hadn't witnessed this before, but Zoro Sensei and Mihawk Sensei described this to me when I blacked out once.

It was scary to see, scary to watch my little brother go through such a transformation, and scary to know what would happen next. I tried to search for a way to stop this, but then a burning sensation started to appear on my stomach. I whimpered and clutched it. Damn... I needed to get out of here before I reacted too much to Naruto's chakra! But... it hurt too much to move, let alone try to sense my chakra somewhere else.

I couldn't even bear to look up after hearing a loud crashing sound. "Hold on a little longer (Y/n). Everything's going to be alright," Kakashi reassured me before he let go of my shoulder and jumped off the tree branch. The burning pain started to move through my body and breathing started to only make it worse. When the pain suddenly disappeared in the blink of an eye, the only way I knew it hadn't just all been in my head was the fact that I exhaled deeply and had to hold onto the branch tightly as I tried to catch my breath.

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