What the hell!?

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~(Y/n)'s p.o.v.~

One moment I was in constant pain, with my brain trying to squeeze itself out of my skull, and the next I felt extremely calm. Almost numb even. The only thing that I was super conscious of, was a steady beeping sound, and my breathing. Why was there a beeping sound? Did I forget to turn the alarm off? Had I hit snooze? But when did I fall asleep in the first place? Was I even at home?

I opened my eyes to unexpectedly bright lights. I winced from the pain and rapidly blinked a few times til my eyes finally adjusted to the new light. The strange thing was, that my eyes felt like they hurt more from not being used in a couple of days rather than being exposed to a brighter than usual light, but I was sure I had just used them a few minutes ago.... Right? I was still confused about my eyes, but the beeping coming from my alarm was going to kill me unless I turned it off now. I could worry about my eyes afterwards.

I reached over to hit the alarm clock, but stopped mid swing when something sharp pricked the upper part of my inner forearm . The pain from that was enough to wake me up from my mental fog and realize what was happening. Although I really wish I hadn't. I examined my arm wondering what had happened to it, and there in all its glory, was an IV attached to me.

"Please tell me I'm in a nightmare," I whispered out loud as I sat up in the bed while looking around the room. I easily found the machine that was now noticeable beeping faster than earlier. It was a heart monitor that had been hooked up to me as well, and it was very accurately reading my racing heart as I became more and more aware of the situation I was in. "I'm in the fucking hospital, but why?" I asked.

This place, as per usual, was creeping me out on an insane level, so I decided that I wasn't going to wait for a nurse or anyone else to come tell me what was going on. I needed to escape and I needed to do it like yesterday! I bet Naruto must be extremely worried! I needed to make sure he was alright! Him and Sasuke both!

With that in mind, I took off the heat monitor sticker ~setting that machine on panic mode~ and as carefully as I could, took the IV needle out. Did it really need to be THAT FUCKING LONG!? I almost passed out just from the feeling of the metal sliding on my skin! Once that was out of me, I opened the closet in front of me praying to find a pair of decent clothes to wear. I wanted to get out of here yes, but I didn't want to do it with my ass hanging out either. Thankfully my prayers were answered and I was able to find a clean pair of my own clothes! Someone must have brought them up here for me. I wonder who though. Trying not to worry too much on the details, I dressed myself, and booked it out the window just as I heard the door being jerked open.

I still had no clue what was going on here, so my first stop the moment my feet hit the ground was the Hokage's office. What happened during the preliminary rounds? Did I miss the final exam? Were Sasuke and Naruto okay!? I needed to know these answers! Unfortunately, he wasn't there once I finally got to his office. "Hey where's Hiruzen Sensei?" I asked a jonin who was putting a piece of paper on the Hokage's desk.

He looked up sort of surprised to see me, "(Y/n)? Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital? Lord Hokage said he was going to head over there to check up on you," he explained. "Ah I see. Well maybe I can catch up to him before he gets there," I thought out loud as I started to head out the door. "Why not just use your jutsu? He's been carrying around one of your kunai ever since you got back from the second rounds of the chunin exams. He won't tell any of us why, but it should still work right?" he asked. I was a little surprised that Sensei was carrying around one of my kuani with him, but again I could worry about that later. "Yeah it should. Thanks," I claimed as I focused my chakra and searched for my kunai with Hiruzen Sensei.

I guess I was still a little stiff from being asleep for who knows how long, and still under who knows what kind of medicine, because I could tell when I used my jutsu that I didn't transport right next to Hiruzen Sensei. Maybe in the same building, but definitely not the same room. Or floor even. My jutsu actually took me back to the hospital. Only this time I was in the waiting room, but I was still upset about being in the hospital in general, and even more upset that my jutsu hadn't worked! "Ah son of a bitch!," I shouted.

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