Author's Note

698 12 15

Warning do not scroll all the way to the bottom of this page unless you want to see a **HAPPY SPOILER**. By this I mean you'll smile when you see it, but some people do not like spoilers of any kind.

Hi! Hello all my amazing readers! First off, I owe you all an apology. It has been several years since I have updated this story, but I did have a reason I swear! I did take a small break just out of being way too busy to continue the story and also not having been caught up in the anime itself to continue even if I wanted to. However, by the time I had watched the whole show I realized several plot holes in my character (there's still plenty that exist, but it is better now)

Eventually I started to read through my work and discovered that I had been awful at using proper grammar and there was an insane amount of mistakes. Seriously go check my other stories if you think I'm lying! My grammar is embarrassing!! T~T. While I may be someone who loves to write, grammar is not my strong suit, but I have definitely gotten better at it now (I hope..), and I knew I couldn't just fix my newer chapters without fixing the old ones first.

However, the more I fixed the older chapters, the more I caught on to details and bits and pieces of the story that I either forgot or simply did not make sense with how I was making this character. That is why I decided to not even dare to write new chapters until I had revised and reviewed all my old ones first. Needless to say that took a lot longer than I had expected!

I started this story when I was in High School, and now I am going to graduate college THIS NEXT SPRING SEMESTER! I would like to believe that this story, as silly and trivial as it is, has grown up with me. And I would like you all to know that all your lovely comments helped inspire and encourage me to continue my goal of one day getting to the point where I could once again continue this story!

That day has finally come! This is not a farewell note, this is a welcome back note! Even though I was focusing on my past work, I never stopped thinking about the future of my story. I have maladaptive daydreams, and I am constantly thinking about how to take my story further. I have the whole story sealed away inside my mind, now it is time to simply put it on paper. However, I do warn that because I am entering my final year at college I will be far too busy to update during the school year. Updates will still take a minute, but they will not take me years! I can promise you that! If I can I will attempt to update during the school year, but I am not going to make promises that I can't keep to you all. That's just not my ninja way.

I believe actions speak louder than words, so as proof that I am officially back. I will be immediately posting two chapters right after this note is posted, AND!! to show you all that I have in fact thought about how the rest of this story will go, if you would like a


Continue to the end of this page. If not, then enjoy these two new chapters. Hello, I am official back!





















[Please be gently with the artistic criticism. I just got into digital art and this is one of my first drawings]

 I just got into digital art and this is one of my first drawings]

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