Zabuza's Final Attack

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~(Y/n)'s p.o.v.~

"Morning Kakashi," I said as I watched him walk into the room without his crutches. Now everyone was awake except Naruto. I had once again helped Tsunami cook breakfast, but this time she had me doing most of it. Not gonna lie, the kitchen was a big mess now. I kept apologizing to Tsunami, but she just kept laughing at me saying it was completely fine. "Good morning (Y/n). Did you sleep well," Kakashi asked me.

"I guess," I said before I placed some plates on the table, and stretched my arms popping my shoulders. "Sooo do I get to go with you today, or am I stuck here again," I asked him as I sat down next to him, and propped my head up with my arm. Kakashi laughed giving me my answer, "no sorry (Y/n). Like the Hokage and I have said, you are only supposed to observe on this mission," he stated while giving me his closed eye smile.

"Ugh, all I've 'observed' is housework, and these house walls Kakashi Sensei. Man, I swear the next time the Hokage sends me on a mission like this, I'm going to tell him where to shove it. There's nothing to do," I cried as I laid my head on the table. Kakashi acted like nothing was going on as he finished his breakfast, and stood up with Sasuke and Sakura, " well we're off. Oh, and don't worry about Naruto. He's trained so hard that I doubt he'll be able to move for a while, so just let him rest 'and keep (Y/n) away from him'", Kakashi whispered the last part to Tsunami before they all left with Tazuna. Of course I still heard him, and I had the erk mark on my head to prove it!

They had just made it out the door when I remembered something, and sprinted out the door. "Hey Kakashi Sensei! Here," I shouted at his as I threw one of my kunai at him. "(Y/n)! What's the big idea throwing a kunai out of nowhere! You're just as bad as Naruto," Sakura shouted at me after Kakashi Sensei easily caught the kunai. "If I can't go with you, I'm going to train, and I really want to work on my jutsu," I explained as I ignored Sakura's concerns. If Kakashi Sensei was dumb enough to get hit by a kunai that he was warned about, then he wouldn't be a jonin now would he? She really needed to gain more confidence in people around her. And if she compares me to Naruto like that again I swear!!!

"Fine I guess I can accept that," Kakashi said as he pocketed my kunai, and the group continued on their way, while I went back inside the house. I still had a big mess in the kitchen to clean up. Of course, that didn't take long for me due to my speed and using the clone jutsu. I was able to clean up the entire kitchen, even things that weren't caused by me, in the blink of an eye.

Much to Tsunami's irritation claiming that I was cheating. Of course it was nothing but playful banter. "Alright well I'm going to go train since I have nothing better to do," I explained to Tsunami. Today I made Inari stay home seeing as how I wasn't really planning on going in the water today, and he might get hurt if he got in the way today. "Okay see you soon (Y/n)," Tsunami said as I made my way out towards the forest.

I know Kakashi said that doing their training would just be me working backwards, but I still wanted to know that I could do the basics. Who knows, if I can get the basics completely down then the harder stuff should become that much more easy. I didn't walk too far into the forest, only deep enough where you can't immediately see me, but I'm not blind to the outside of the forests. The day before last, Sasuke had asked me for advice on how to improve his training, so I knew of the whole walking on a tree with only using your chakra. It sounded interesting, and a lot more drier, so of course I was excited to try it out.

I went over in my mind what Sasuke had told me, and then I was ready. I got a distance away from the tree before I concentrated chakra into my feet. Once I was ready, I ran towards the tree at full speed, and began to make my way up with nothing but my feet. Man was it a weird thing to be running vertically! I was so shocked just from the new sensation, and the major lack of focus required to control the chakra in order to run up the tree, that I almost instantly dented the tree and began to fall. My foot stayed on the tree skidding against the trunk of the tree as I fell, so I used it to push myself off the tree, and on the ground, slightly stumbling on the landing.

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