Inari.... Friend or Foe?

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~(Y/n)'s p.o.v.~

"Morning everyone" I said as I walked out of the kitchen, and into the dinning area with plates full of food for everyone to have for breakfast today. I had gotten up early to help Tsunami with preparing everything, and I couldn't believe how many other things there was to eat for breakfast besides cereal and ramen! "Huh? Where's Naruto? Is he still asleep," I asked as my mind already started to think of dumb ways to wake him up. "That idiot! He stayed out there training all night," Sakura woke me up even more for the day by shouting.

"Huh? What do you mean all night? Wasn't he the one who asked Kakashi Sensei to go find me? But if he was there, and not here... Ah then it must have been Sa-," was all I could get out from my sudden discovery before I was interrupted by something hitting my head. I turned to my side as I rubbed the back of my now aching head to discover that Kakashi had actually hit my head with his book, "Kakashi Sensei what was that for," I asked.

"I think it's time for you to eat (Y/n) wouldn't you agree," he asked me while he gave me his infamous closed eye smile. He was acting like he hadn't just smacked me upside the head for no reason! Was that going to become a normal thing for him or something!? "Yeah yeah whatever," I replied while I sat down next to Sakura to eat.

We were mid meal when Tsunami spoke up, "alright (Y/n), let's see what you remember from yesterday.," I was surprised that she was taking yesterday's 'lesson' so seriously, but eh I never back down from a challenge! "Bring it on Tsunami," I cheered, as I stood up ready for her 'quiz'. She asked me about how to know when a stain in your clothes is hopeless or not. Then she asked me about when to know if something is properly cooked or not. We went on for a while like that before Sakura spoke up, "Wow (Y/n) hasn't anyone taught you all of this before? You act like you're just learning it. My mother showed me all of this before I was even out of the academy," she explained. "Well good for your mother for managing to not die before you were even two years old," I shot back at her with a little too much venom in my words.

If you think about it like that yeah this was a little embarrassing. I had no clue about most of this stuff despite what I had read about. Books only go so far, but experience goes farther. Thanks Sakura for making me upset. Jeez was she really raised to act like such a know it all, or was she just born with it? I knew that if she said one wrong thing to me right now, that I would possibly say or do something I'd regret, so I picked up my mostly empty plate of food, and washed it off before heading towards the front door.

"Now where do you think you're going," Kakashi asked me. I told him outside with little to no emotion in my words before I walked out of the house, and had to hold back on slamming the door shut. Instead of going to the forest like the last few times, this time I jumped onto the roof. I still couldn't get what Kakashi had told me from yesterday situated in my head fully. A part of me wanted to ask Hiruzen Sensei when we got back, but he never was one to tell me what I wanted to truly know. Of course, there had to be a reason he kept it from me right? He said he was close with my father, so maybe that's why it's so hard for him to speak about it?

In the end, I knew that I needed to put all of this on a back burner until we were done with this mission. I couldn't let it distract me. That could be a fatal mistake. I was just about to head back into the house, when I heard someone crying begging their father not to do it, and asking why he left. "It's Inari again... Poor kid, he must really miss his father. I wonder what happened," I asked myself as I walked over to the his window. I was sort of surprised to see that it was open, and I can't tell you really why I felt bad for him as much as I did, but I couldn't just let him sit there all alone crying.

With my mind made up, I entered his room through the window, and stood there in front of it for a second. He was on his bed with his back towards me, so he didn't notice me until I spoke up. "What are you doing in here," he shouted at me while quickly wiping away his tears trying to pretend like it had never happened. Now I had to be quick on my toes to come up with an excuse for being here, "uh well your mom wants you to come down for breakfast. I tried your door, but you wouldn't answer, so I went through your window to make sure you were alright," I explained.

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