Training Begins!... Where!?

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~(Y/n)'s p.o.v ~

"Whoa, for real? That's crazy. Sounds like he was a tough one to beat," I spoke as I focused on hearing where Guy Sensei was. Rock Lee, and the rest of Team Guy plus Naruto had finally gotten back from their mission against Raiga Kurosuki and Lee immediately came to find me to make good on his promise to tell me everything he learned about Raiga. He found me in the training grounds with Guy Sensei, doing our usual training regime with me mostly blindfolded and him kicking my ass with his num-chuks! God I hated those fucking things!

Instead of being a normal person and waiting until I could focus on just his words, Lee immediately started to talk about Raiga, which made my training that much harder to focus on. Lee began to rant about some strange curry he had while on the mission, so I turned him out and focused on Guy's feet. I noticed a slight shift in his feet which indicated he was about to attack towards my left, but the way his knee turned inwards, made my instincts go to block my middle instead. I was only using my scabbard to block his attacks, and I shocked myself when I felt his num-chuks wrap around it.

I quickly pulled the scabbard towards my body, and soon felt the pressure against it release. Guy Sensei must have let go of them in surprise. "Lee, why are you talking about curry?" I asked as I pulled up my headband and looked at him. He was currently staring at me with amazement in his eyes, "(Y/n)! Do you know what you just did!?" he asked me. I raised an eyebrow at him and then looked at my scabbard to confirm that I had in fact blocked and taken away Guy's num-chuks.

It wasn't until Guy Sensei pulled me into a tight hug and began to spin me around that I truly began to comprehend what I did. I just advanced in my training! It was finally paying off! I let him spin me around for a second more, before I transported away from him. "Huh? Hey (Y/n), where's your kunai?" Lee asked me as he looked around the training area trying to see where my special kunai was. I smirked and began to untangle Guy's num-chuks from my scabbard. "They're still in my pouch. I learned a new technique with them while I was away," I explained.

"Amazing! You are so impressive (Y/n)! Not even gone a whole week and you learned a new technique for your jutsu! Not to mention you've improved on your other training as well! You truly are an inspiration for us all!" Lee spoke with tears in his eyes. "Alright alright, settle down before your eyebrows jump off," I muttered to him. Suddenly a messenger bird flew above us. "Ah, yes finally!" I cheered once I recognized the bird.

Tsunade told me yesterday that they were close to figuring out where Zoro's island was and that she'd send a bird for me the moment she found it, since apparently I'm impossible for the Jonin in this village to track down at times... Not my fault they're slow...

"Ah, I'll see you guys later. I need to go see Tsunade immediately," I spoke to them both before I ran over to the side of the training area where Zoro had been training. "Hey what the-," he asked as I grabbed him and transported us both to just outside Tsunade's office. He fell to the ground again and started to dry heave, "baby," I teased him. "Oh, screw you," he groaned back as he recollected himself.

"You'll get used to it eventually," I reassured him as I patted his head before he stood up. I knocked on the door before walking in with Zoro into Tsunade's office. "We're here. Did you find it? Zoro's island?" I asked. Tsunade smirked, "yes we did," she said as she pointed to a map nearby. I looked at it and compared where our continent was to his island. "Damn how the hell did you get your ass beat so hard that you ended up all the way out here!?" I asked. This was practically on the other side of the world!? [Author-chan: *coughs* plot armor! Zoro: Hmm? Did you say something? Author-chan: Nope nothing at all]

Zoro looked away from me and scratched the back of his head nervously. I held in a laugh, "there's no way in hell I can use my jutsu to get us there, so how are we going to? I don't think Zoro has the ability to walk on water," I began to strategize out loud. "I've already ordered a small ship to take you two there." Tsunade claimed. I looked over at her suspiciously, "I figured you'd be more wary about this whole ordeal. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful, but you seem to be giving in to this situation too easily," I admitted.

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