Best Friends (1)

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And there he was - kissing someone else. Shamelessly, in the middle of the crowd.

I had no right to be jealous. He's not mine, he doesn't belong to me. He's free real estate. Yet, there's a persistent, nagging feeling in my chest.

Out of everyone here, why would he choose me? Well, he wouldn't. Clearly. That was just proven.

Does he even know who he's making out with? I doubt she knows him like I do. Realistically, no one knows him like I do. That should count for something, shouldn't it?

But he only sees me as a friend. And I guess it will always be that way. Am I not good enough for him? Does he see me as a sister? I think being sister-zoned would be worse than getting friend-zoned. At least the latter situation has some sort of chance in escalating to more.

I stayed where I was in the corner of the room. Running away would be the easy solution. Now, I wouldn't torture myself and keep watching. I looked away, trying not to look back again and again. But apparently, I was weak. I glanced in that direction a couple more times. They had stopped kissing, but they stuck by each other, bodies practically pressed together. I wish I could blame it on the crowded dance floor. But I knew better than that.

Deciding I had had enough, I walked out of the room. I did my best to act casual, so no one would question me, whether it be verbally or mentally. I left through the front door since it had been the closest exit and walked around the house to the backyard. It was a smaller area but much emptier. At least I could breathe out here.

I sat down on the grass, my back against a large tree, after checking for anything gross that could be on the ground. With my arms around my knees that were up to my chest, my mind went back to him and that girl. What does she have that I don't?

"Riles?" There was only one person that could possibly be. No one else really had a nickname for me. That, and no one here really knows me enough to address me by name. Most people know me as Julian's friend. I don't mind much. If he's the reason they've heard about me, how can I be offended? Although, people were usually surprised when they saw the two of us together. Popular, outgoing boy and unknown, quiet girl. What a pair.

"Hey," I replied, quieter than I intended. I didn't want my emotions to show through. Though, he would be able to tell either way. We just know each other that well. And yet he still chooses some random chick over me.

"What's wrong?" He asked in a soft voice he rarely uses for anyone else. "I didn't see you inside anymore. I got worried."

He noticed I wasn't there?

He noticed my absence even though he was with someone else?

"Of course, you're my best friend. I care about you. You know that." I thought he somehow read my mind when I realized I must've voiced that last thought.

"You just seemed preoccupied," I carried on nonchalantly, as if I meant to say what I did.

"With someone I don't know." He seemed a bit sheepish to admit that. "I'd consider you a priority, Riles." My heart fluttered at the statement.

He's only saying that because you're friends. That's it, I told myself.

"I suppose I thought you'd just be focused on the girl in front of you." I shrugged to appear indifferent. "She's pretty."

"Again, I don't know her."

"Then why were you with her? Because you want to get to know her. No?" I understand how harsh and salty I may sound saying this, but it came out in a kind and gentle tone, genuinely curious to know.

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