Catching Up ~ Hevans (Glee) Part 2

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Sam and I spent the rest of our time at Scandals together. We danced for a while and sat at the bar again and just talked.

At the end of the night, I walked Sam out to his car. I got a taxi to drop me off earlier because I assumed I would have had a lot more drinks.

"How are you getting home?" Sam asked.

I shrugged. "A taxi. I thought I'd be drunk by the end of the night."

"Let me give you a ride."

"You don't have to do that."

"Yeah, but I want to. Besides, you've done a lot for me over the years. It's the least I could do."

I considered his words for a moment before agreeing to his offer. He unlocked the doors and sat in the driver's seat while I followed suit and got in on the passenger's side.

We drove in silence apart from the low volume of the radio. Considering he never asked for directions, it seems he still knew how to get to my house from the few months he lived with us during high school.

Sam pulled up in front of my house, but I sat still for a few moments. "Do you- Would you want to come inside? You could spend the night since it's late."

He was surprised by my question and took a second to answer, "Oh, um, sure. Your parents won't mind?"

I shook my head. "I think they would be happy to see you again."

With that, he turned the car off and both of us got out.

I opened the front door to let the two of us in. As soon as I stepped inside, I saw my dad sitting on the couch. Sam shut and locked the door behind us, and we walked to the living room to make our presence known.

"You didn't have to stay up and wait for me, dad."

"Well, you didn't exactly tell me where you were going or when you'd be back, so I wanted to make sure you got home safely," he said, not exactly mad but not happy.

I looked down and sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that." I didn't really want to tell him that I would be spending my night at the bar, trying to temporarily forget about life. I didn't expect him to wait for me to get back, though. I figured I'd mention the boy standing next to me (that I wasn't sure if my dad noticed or not, being he was half-asleep), "But uh, Sam and I bumped into each other and caught up."

My dad fully opened his previously half-lidded eyes to see the two of us in front of him. "It's good to see you again, son," he told Sam.

"You, too, Burt. Sorry I haven't visited more often. Things have been a bit busier than expected."

"I understand." My dad gave a small smile.

"Well, we're going upstairs. You should go to bed, dad."

"Yeah, I will in a minute. I'll see you two in the morning."

With that, Sam followed me up to my room. He shut the door behind us, and the next thing I know, my back is pushed up against it. Our faces were suddenly very close.

"Is this okay with you?" He whispered, barely loud enough for me to hear.

Not being able to speak with him so close, I nodded, allowing him to finish leaning in to kiss me. I immediately kissed back. It started out a bit slow with both of us getting used to the feeling of one another. As it began to pick up, my hands found their way into Sam's hair. His were holding either side of my waist, keeping me in place against the door.

Tonight turned out a lot differently than I expected. I went to Scandals to get drunk to get my mind off of things for a bit. Instead, I found out that someone I had a minor crush on years ago in high school also likes boys. And he wound up kissing full-on making out.

At some point, I guided us to my bed. Sam was laying on his back, arms around my back to keep us close together. He pulled away for a few seconds to catch his breath, and I used that time to leave a trail of kisses down his jaw and neck. He stayed quiet, but I could tell he enjoyed it.

Our lips connected once more. Eventually, we broke apart and laid on the bed beside each other.

"Sam," I muttered, not sure of what to say.

He hummed noncommittally.

I turned my head to look at him and saw that his eyes were closed. I kept my voice down, "Well, don't go and just fall asleep on me now."

"Don't worry, I'm awake," he mumbled, sounding like he was on the verge of falling asleep.

I slowly sat up and took a hold of his arm to drag Sam into a sitting position. "At least change into something more comfortable first. I think you forgot some clothes here when you left."

I stood up and looked through my drawers to find his old clothes. Back in high school, Sam lived with us for a few months after he and his family moved back to Kentucky. We really needed him for sectionals, and he really missed being at McKinley. So Finn and Rachel went to his house to convince him and his parents to let Sam go back with them. His parents agreed, and Sam stayed with us and shared a room with Finn. Sometimes, though, Finn would have Rachel over or just be busy in his room, so Sam kept a few pairs of clothes in mine just in case.

I tossed a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants at Sam and found my own to change into. I turned around to temporarily drop my pajamas on my bed. I didn't expect to see Sam already up and changing. I wasn't going to complain about the sight of him without a shirt on, but it startled me. "S-Sam..."

He looked up with a small smirk. "You like what you see?"

"Oh my god." I rolled my eyes and looked away from him. I picked up my clothes and said nervously, "I'm just going to change in the bathroom."

Once I walked back into my room, I shut the door as quietly as I could so as to not disturb anyone else in the house. Looking toward my bed, I saw Sam laying on the right side, most likely sleeping already. I was going to put some blankets and a pillow on the floor and let him sleep there, but I didn't have it in me to wake him up when he looked so peaceful.

I sighed and got in bed on the vacant side. I reached out to my bedside table to turn off the light coming from my lamp. Laying on my side, I tried to ignore the boy sleeping next to me and fall asleep myself, but my mind was racing. Never did I think I would have Sam Evans sleeping in my bed after we made out. It makes me think about all of the events that led up to this point. And I'm still having trouble figuring out how we ended up here.

Eventually, I managed to relax enough to fall asleep peacefully.

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