Catching Up ~ Hevans (Glee) Part 7

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A few months later

Not much has changed since my last visit to Lima. My roommates' routines are practically the same and so is mine. Although, Rachel insisted that I came back from my trip in a better mood. I told her she was crazy, but she could tell that something happened while I was in Ohio that made me happier.

So I wound up having to tell her about Sam. She freaked out a bit and went on and on about how she should've known he isn't straight. Rachel is always mentioning that she has great gaydar because of her two dads, but I can't say I've seen that instinct of hers throughout all the years we've known each other.

But when I explained that we're only friends, she freaked out even more. If it wasn't obvious, Rachel can be very dramatic. She ranted about me not really dating since Blaine and how she knows I've been feeling lonely and that I should give me and Sam a chance. I reminded her that the last time I had a long-distance relationship with someone, I got cheated on. And I've been on dates since the breakup, but none of them went beyond that because I'm not going to settle on the first guy I meet.

I couldn't help but think of that conversation as I made my way to the baggage claim at the airport. We decided to just stay friends because we didn't want to tie each other down if one of us met someone. It wasn't because I was scared, despite how it may sound.

However, I haven't met anyone in my time back in New York. Sam and I would still text from time to time but never about our love lives. For all I know, he could've found someone in the months we spent away from each other.

I got my bag and went towards the exit. I looked around the room full of strangers for the familiar face of my dad. As he owns his own tire shop, he was able to step away from his job to pick me up.

I spotted my dad in the small crowd and picked up my pace. Then, I saw someone else I recognized standing beside him. Not able to hide my smile, I sped up a little more. I let go of the luggage's handle once I was in front of them and practically tackled Sam in a hug. I heard him chuckle as I buried my face in his shoulder.

A throat cleared from beside us, "It's not like I'm the one who raised you and actually drove here to get you."

Letting go of Sam, I laughed and rushed to give my dad a hug. "I missed you, dad."

"Yeah, yeah. I missed you, too, kiddo." He ruffled my hair.

I took hold of my suitcase again, and the three of us made our way to my dad's car. My dad walked ahead of me and Sam, giving us a chance to briefly talk alone.

"So what brings you here?" I asked, much like that night at Scandals.

"I kept my word this time to visit your dad and Carole, and I sort of wound up telling Burt about us. And he insisted I surprise you at the airport. You didn't tell me you were coming."

"It was supposed to be a surprise. Oh, how the tables turned on that one."

Sam laughed. "If it counts, that hug was a surprise."

I felt my face flush. "A good one I hope. Sorry about that. I just really wasn't expecting to see you and-"

"Kurt," he cut me off. "You're rambling."

"Yeah, sorry." I let out a breath before shyly asking, "Are you seeing anyone?"

"I see you right now."

I lightly shoved him. "You're an idiot."

"I could be your idiot."

"I-I'll take that as a no then," I responded in a daze. No one would ever think this was our first time seeing each other and talking face-to-face in months. His confidence to say stuff like that has a way of flustering me that I am definitely not used to.

He became more serious, "Does that mean you're not either?"

"It does." I paused, debating if I should say my next words. "I want to be with you, Sam."


"There is no but." We stopped in front of the car.

"Alright, one of you better sit in the front seat, so I don't feel like a chauffeur," my dad broke the tension.

Sam gave me a look that said we'd finish our conversation later. Nodding slightly, I put my luggage in the trunk. I sat in the front passenger's seat with Sam sitting in the back. The three of us made small talk on the ride home while I occasionally flipped through the radio stations.

Once we got home, I excused myself to my room to "unpack" and took Sam with me. He shut the door behind us, and we were suddenly face-to-face. Sam gently placed his forehead against mine and brought his hand up to cup my face.

"I want to be with you, too," he practically whispered.

Unable to think straight (as if I've ever thought straight...well, I did make out with Brittany that one time in sophomore year) with Sam so close for the first time in months, I connected our lips in a passionate kiss. The feeling was as amazing as I remember, and boy, did I miss the feeling. Based on how Sam reacted, I'd say he felt the same way.

Sam pulled away slightly to look me in my eyes. "Do you want to try"

I nodded and breathed out, "Yeah."

We kissed again, both of us smiling wide.

"This makes you my first boyfriend, you know," Sam muttered.

"I feel honored," I said with a bit of a laugh. I forced us out of our hug but grabbed Sam's hand. "C'mon, I think I heard the front door. I want to say hi to Carole."

The two of us left the comfort of my room and went to greet my stepmom. She grinned upon seeing us, definitely taking note of our interlocked hands. Although, I let go to give Carole a hug.

"It's good to see you again, sweetie. I always appreciate your visits."

Smiling, I told her, "I've missed you."

"And Sam it seems," she said quietly, so only I could hear her. I felt my face heat up, causing Carole to chuckle.

Noticing that my dad and Sam moved into the living room to watch some sports game, Carole and I joined them. She sat next to my dad while I cozied up next to Sam, who was quick to wrap an arm around my shoulders.

Today didn't go totally as I expected, but it turned out even better. I didn't expect to see Sam so soon, but there he was at the airport to surprise me. And now, I get to call him my boyfriend. I'd say things look good for Kurt Hummel at the moment.

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