Rebound? (4)

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A/N: So this is part four of Riley and Julian. This takes place sometime (like a couple months I think) after Open and Honest Conversation. Enjoy.

"I don't want to just be your rebound, Riley." Alec said seriously.

"Is it a rebound if nothing ever happened?"

"Wait, you two seriously never hooked up?" I mentally facepalmed. "Why not?"

"I don't know," I deadpanned. "Ask Julian."

Except, I do know. But as far as I know, he hasn't told his friends about his sexuality...or lack thereof. And it's certainly not my place to let them know.

"Okay, point taken."

Since Julian told me he was aromantic, I distanced myself a little bit—not that I wanted to. I just thought that I needed to get over my crush, and it would be more difficult if things remained as they were. So, I started agreeing to hang out with his friends more often. And I found that I clicked quite well with Alec.

After a few weeks, my feelings for Julian became strictly platonic again, and we started hanging out more like we used to. It was nice having my best friend back.

In the meantime, a month or so more passed, and I found myself enjoying Alec's company. Some of the other teammates noticed our closeness and teased us about it. Even Julian joined in from time to time. To be honest, I think he's just glad that I was able to get over him because I think it made him feel guilty, despite it not actually being his fault.

And now, we're here. Alec found me as school let out and brought us to an empty hallway to talk.

I looked him in the eyes and decided to be brave, "I like you, Alec. I got over Julian weeks ago," I quietly added the last part.

He let out a breath. "I like you, too. I was weary to bring it up because I was scared you still...or you were just hanging out with me because..." he trailed off, but I understood what he was getting at.

"Well, you don't have to worry. I like you for you. You're not a replacement, I promise."

He smiled and took a step closer. Placing a gentle hand on my cheek, he whispered, "Can I kiss you?"

I nodded, leaning into his touch.

At my non-verbal answer, he closed the distance, and suddenly, we were kissing. My arms made their way around Alec's neck. I went up on my toes, so he didn't have to lean down as far. We broke away for a brief moment before kissing again.

Eventually, we stopped. Instead of creating distance between us, I kept my arms around him and rested my head in the crook of his neck. Alec's hands found my waist and made their way to my back to pull me into a hug.

We stood there contentedly for a few seconds until I quickly kissed his collarbone and let go.

"So, you'll take me on a date sometime, right?" I said in a teasing tone, although it was a legit question.

He laughed. "Yes, I'd love to take you on a date. I'll text you later with details."

"Perfect." I kissed his cheek. "I should probably get going before Jay sends out a search party."

The two of us had plans to get some homework done at his house. I usually don't take long to leave the building, so he's probably wondering where I am.

"Of course." He held my hand and started walking. "Let's go, m'lady."

I giggled at his dorkiness and walked beside him, unable to keep a smile off my face.

We walked out to the parking lot, and I immediately looked around to find Julian. When I spotted him, he was already looking our way, so I waved with my unoccupied hand.

He speed-walked over and instantly saw Alec and I holding hands. He raised an eyebrow, silently letting me know I'd be telling him all about what happened as soon as we got to his house.

I looked at the boy next to me and mumbled, "Talk to you later?"

"Yeah, of course." He gave me a kiss on the cheek, said bye to Julian, and went to his car.

Julian and I silently walked to my car. I turned the radio on as soon as the engine started.

Julian glanced my way, but before he could comment, I spoke up, "It's a bad habit. Yeah, yeah, I know."

He chuckled. "You know me too well."

I grinned, pulling out of the parking spot. I mentally prepared myself to retell the conversation I had with Alec to Julian, who would tease me relentlessly about it.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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