(Would You) Rescue Me?

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A/N: So I was listening to Rescue Me by OneRepublic earlier and thought of writing some sort of one shot based off of it where it was kinda angsty. I didn't have a concrete idea, just a vague concept. So I started writing and I started thinking about...a certain friendship that kinda ⤵️ and then it kinda became word vomit, and I just wrote down whatever came to mind, whether it was based on some truths or whatever just felt like it flowed. So we got this. It's a bit different and super short but 🤷🏼‍♀️ hopefully you like it?

Would you rescue me? Would you get my back?

Would you take my call when I start to crack?

Would you rescue me?

Would you rescue me...

Would you?

...would you...

Because I would rescue you.

You know I would.

Do you have my back the way I have yours?

Because I feel like I know the answer.

And it's not a positive one.

I guess our years of friendship never meant as much to you as it did to me.

Looking back, you were never a great friend.

But I looked past that. I ignored it.

I thought we had a special bond.

Clearly, I was the only one who thought so.

When did this distance come between us?

Was it always there?

Did I not notice it?

Or did I just do what I could to ignore it? Told myself everything was fine. Lied to myself.

I defended you.

But you never defended me.

Maybe I should've realized that sooner.

But you always told me I was loyal to a fault. And look where that led me.

Was there ever a point in time where you would have rescued me?

Maybe I don't want to know the answer.

But I think I do know the answer. And I probably always have.

You were important to me. But you never held me in the same regard.

I let it happen.

But you're the one to blame.

Turns out, I don't need rescuing...at least not from you.

Not anymore.

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