Tensions (2)

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A/N: This is a continuation of the one shot Uncertainty. You don't necessarily have to read that one to understand this one, but it would give more detail and context.

Tensions Arise Between the Members of Common Angles is the headline Brandon woke up to. Rob sent a link to the article in the group chat he has with the band members and asked, "What is this about, guys?"

Despite David's negative reaction to Brandon's sexuality, it hasn't gotten out. David did as he said he would and told their bandmates, but they haven't made any comments in public. It's an internal issue that no one who works with or for the band knows.

After time passed and the boys should have woken up, Rob sent another text demanding they get together for a meeting. Brandon groaned when he read the message but sent a thumbs up to let their manager know he saw it. The others had similar responses.

Brandon got up and got ready for the day. Once he was dressed, he made his way to the conference room Rob said they'd meet in. Surprisingly, the others were already there.

Brandon shut the door behind him and sat in the closest vacant chair.

"Okay," Rob immediately got down to business, "What's going on? What's the tension about?"

Adrian said, "It's just a stupid gossip article. People over-analyze everything, you know?"

"No, I've been noticing it, too, lately. I haven't said anything because I figured you just had a disagreement. I thought you'd work through it. But now, the public is seeing it. So, it's something bigger than that."

They all stayed silent until Brandon sighed heavily and explained bluntly, "I'm gay. The boys found out, and now, they hate me."

"He kept it from us and never planned on telling us," David retorted, not denying what his bandmate said.

"Because I know they're homophobic and would treat me differently if they knew."

Rob wiped a hand down his face. Poor Rob didn't get paid enough to deal with this...except he kind of did get paid enough to deal with it. "Guys, why do Brandon's preferences bother you? Actually, don't answer that. Why should knowing his preferences change how you treat him?" When none of them said anything, Rob continued, "Do I need to help you out? Because the answer is that it shouldn't. He's the same person he always was. And you know what, what and who he likes doesn't affect your music or your ability to perform. So, I think you need to get over yourselves and think critically about your opinions."

"So you're just siding with him on this?" Wyatt spoke for the first time since the meeting started.

"I'm not siding with anyone. I'm saying that you five are a band. You have been good friends for years. Are you really going to let something like this get between you all?"

"It's not natural!" Darren bursted out.

Brandon stood up. "I'm not having this conversation." He looked at Rob. The latter gave a quick nod.

Brandon left to go back to his hotel room, while the other four members of the band stayed where they were. Rob wasn't done lecturing them quite yet.

Once he was behind the locked door, Brandon flopped over on the unmade bed and called his boyfriend.

After three rings, he picked up, "Hey, babe."

"Hi, Wes."

"What's wrong?" He could immediately tell something was off based on Brandon's tone.

"I came out to Rob, and he's lecturing the boys."

"That doesn't sound like a bad thing."

"It's not," he said hesitantly. "But now he knows because there was an article pointing out tension in the band, which means we haven't been as subtle as we thought." Before Weston could reply, Brandon blurted out abruptly, "What if I came out?"

He heard sputtering on the other end of the call. "Warn a guy. Where's this coming from?"

"I mean, why not let the fans know? I know not everyone will be happy about it, but the real ones will be happy for me. My family already knows. My band already doesn't like me for it. Why not gain some more support?"

"You've thought about this before." It was meant to be a question, but it came out as a statement.

"I've been thinking about it since we started the band."

Brandon could picture Weston's soft smile he wore when he was getting ready to be a mother hen. "Babe..."

"I'm not gonna do anything rash. Don't worry your pretty little head. What if, though?"

"One day," Weston said softly.

"Yeah," Brandon breathed out wistfully.

They continued to talk about benign topics, just happy to hear one another's voices.

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