Roommates ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 9

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A/N: Unfortunately, this is the last part of this little mini series...or whatever you want to call it. Hopefully, I'll write more one shots soon...and we'll see if it's glee related or not. Either way, enjoy!

Kurt went to open the dorm room's door, so he and Sebastian could join the other Warblers for practice. But the door wouldn't budge.

"What the hell?" He mumbled to himself.

Sebastian noticed his struggle and joked, "Door too heavy for you, princess?"

Kurt rolled his eyes as he stepped aside to let Sebastian fail to open the door just as he had moments prior.

"What the hell?" Sebastian uttered the same words as Kurt in a louder voice.

"What were you saying before?" Kurt sassed, crossing his arms over his chest.

The confused roommates heard a slightly muffled voice from the other side of the door, "You guys are both too stubborn to back down and admit how you really feel about each other. So until there's a confession or two and preferably some kissing, you'll be stuck in there together."

"We have Warbler practice," Sebastian deadpanned.

A voice both boys recognized as Wes spoke up, "It's canceled for today, as there are more important matters at hand."

"How is this more important than preparing for the competition?" Kurt questioned.

"The tension between you two is affecting the group's performance, so this needs to get sorted out first," Wes said as an excuse. "We'll let you out before dinner. Have fun now!"

The two trapped boys heard the other Warblers begin to leave before they could say anything else.

"I know we didn't tell them, but I thought they were supposed to be observant," Kurt said.

"I guess they expected us to let them know," Sebastian replied, making it sound like more of a question. "Especially since we found out they placed bets."

Kurt rolled his eyes and laughed. "I still can't believe they did that."

"I can." Sebastian thought of all the crazy things his friends have done over the years.

"Well, I don't suppose they'll let us out early," Kurt shifted the conversation.

"Probably not." He paused. "Well, I think there's one thing we can do that'd make them happy."

Kurt stepped closer to his boyfriend and smirked knowingly. "And what would that be, Smythe?"

They leaned in and kissed. Kurt wrapped his arms around Sebastian's neck, as he seems to enjoy doing. The taller boy placed his hands on Kurt's waist, which gradually moved to his back to pull them closer together. Neither could imagine ever getting tired of this feeling, so both were reluctant to pull away when they needed to breathe. They stayed in each other's arms. Their foreheads were leaning against one another's, forcing them to make eye contact - something neither would complain about, considering both thought the other had beautiful eyes.

Eventually (after some more kissing), they wound up on Kurt's bed. All of their clothes stayed on, and they were simply enjoying each other's company; it's not like there was much more they could do considering the situation. Kurt and Sebastian cuddled and made pointless conversation for the remainder of the afternoon.

The time they would've spent at Warbler practice passed, and they heard shuffling outside their door. The couple got up from their comfortable position when they heard Jeff call out, "You guys better have done something! We gave you plenty of time."

Chuckling, Sebastian opened the door for himself and Kurt, and they were instantly engulfed in the group of Warblers.

Shutting the door behind them, Kurt and Sebastian began to walk past the Warblers to the dining hall, acting as though they weren't there. Although, it was difficult to ignore them considering the amount of noise they were making, trying to ask question after question.

"We will force you back into that room and not let you out if you keep ignoring us," Jeff threatened.

"Why don't we just get our food first and talk at the table?" Sebastian suggested.

"Fine," Jeff huffed out.

The Warblers waited in line to get their food before sitting at their usual table.

"Okay, spill," Blaine spoke for everyone wanting to know what went down.

"Nothing happened," Sebastian lied, curious to see their reactions.

Before World War III could break out, Kurt lightly shoved Sebastian's shoulder with his own and informed the other Warblers, "He's joking. But it's not like there's much to tell."

"Did you guys kiss?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Sebastian retorted with a smirk in his typical manner.

"Oh, c'mon, you have to talk about it."

"I didn't agree to anything," Kurt piped up.

"And this is why you're perfect for each other," Thad said with an eye roll.

"Can you at least answer a couple of questions?" Nick asked.

Kurt and Sebastian shared a look. "Fine."

"Did you kiss?" Jeff asked at the same time as Trent asked, "Who confessed first?"

"Did it go further than kissing?" Thad added in after the first two questions, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yes, Sebastian, and no," Kurt answered without providing any explanation.

"Also, the results of your bets aren't what you think," Sebastian mentioned, confusing the Warblers and making his boyfriend laugh, before Kurt confessed, "We started dating a few weeks ago."

"A few weeks?" David questioned with exasperation.

"Well, we kissed for the first time about three weeks ago." Kurt looked at Sebastian for confirmation to which he nodded. "And then made it official like a week later."

"Oh, my god. I told you guys! Pay up." Both Kurt and Sebastian were surprised when Blaine spoke up. If there was anyone who would stay out of the betting, it would be him. Blaine then explained with a smile, "I didn't make any bets until these guys came up with the idea of trapping you in your room. I told them that you two were probably together already, but no one agreed. So now, they owe me ten dollars each."

"You guys are ridiculous," Kurt commented, as they figured out who owed who what.

"Wait, that means we didn't have to cancel practice today, doesn't it?" David slowly realized.

"To be fair, you all left before we could say anything," Kurt told him.

Sebastian continued, "And I doubt you would've believed us if we texted you."

"But we still have plenty of time to work on our setlist," Blaine chipped in to ease David's worry.

"Yeah, and I'm sure Kurtbastian enjoyed the alone time," Thad said suggestively, while the couple mentioned glared at him.

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