Formal Events (1)

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A/N: Wowie, look, something that isn't Glee related. I'm still not totally over my fixation on the show, but I managed to think of and write something other than a ship/crack ship involving Kurt pfft.

It was a beautiful night for a beautiful party. From the simple lighting to the eloquently decorated tables, Hannah was reminded of why she enjoys these events.

Although, she tends to start feeling claustrophobic after a while, which is why she decided to take a break. She walked outside onto the large patio. Making her way to the edge, she rested her forearms on the banister, taking in the view and feeling the gentle breeze.

After a few minutes of silence to herself, Hannah felt a presence beside her but continued to stare ahead.

"Hey, you alright?" The other person, who the girl recognized as Grant, spoke. He was a good friend of Hannah's as their parents were always dragging both of them along to these business events.

"Yeah, I just needed some air," she answered truthfully and looked around at the scenery. "It's beautiful out here."

"Yeah, it is." His tone made Hannah turn her head toward him; she found him looking at her with a smile on his face. She blushed and averted her gaze.

"So what brings you out here?" She asked gently.

"Well, I didn't see my bestest friend inside and thought I should go find her."

Hannah chuckled. "We're best friends, are we?"

The pair really only saw each other at these fancy parties and business affairs. But they always gravitated towards each other because they were two of the very few people their age that attended.

"Who said I was talking about you?"

"Oh," she kept the playful mood, "I'm holding you up then, aren't I?"

They both laughed at their antics, easily falling into their comfortable banter. They might not see each other all the time, but they always shared some sort of connection and got along with ease. They enjoyed being in each other's presence.

"How have you been?" Grant asked, expecting a genuine answer.

"Pretty good. I've been busy with school and lately, I've been helping out my parents with the business. How are you?"

"Okay," he sighed. "I had a bit of a falling out with a friend recently when he found out who my parents are and what they do for a living."

Grant doesn't like to talk about his parents and social status much because people act differently when they know someone comes from a wealthy family. He didn't lie about it per se, but his friend was upset that Grant didn't trust him enough to tell him the truth.

"I'm sorry."

Grant shrugged. "He'll come around. And if he doesn't, then I guess he wasn't a real friend."

"It amazes me how you can be so nonchalant about something like that."

"I'm just good at putting on a brave face." He winked with a small smile before it dropped. "I really hope he does come around. I'm not good at making friends."

"You could've fooled me," Hannah said in a soft voice.

"It's easy to talk to you because you understand, and I can fully be myself around you. Sometimes it feels like I'm walking on eggshells when I meet new people. I never know how much I can or should tell them, so I'm seen as secretive and sketchy."

Hannah was taken aback by Grant's confession. In all the time she knew him, she always thought of him as this popular, outgoing guy that could make friends left and right. It made her feel good to know that she knew the real Grant.

"I tend to feel like an outsider sometimes," Hannah related. "I grew up attending all these formal events, surrounded by fancy adults. I know all the proper table etiquette and know how to speak politely to please people. I feel like I don't know how to be a teenager and run free."

Grant nodded, knowing exactly what the girl beside him meant.

"Maybe we should hang out sometime, and like, not for a business-related event." Hannah was at a loss for words - they had never spent time together in an informal setting. Her lack of a response caused Grant to ramble on, "You know, only if you want to."

"Yeah," she uttered. "I'd love to."

Grant laughed lightly and felt his cheeks flush. "We don't have each other's numbers, do we?"

"I don't think so." Hannah shook her head.

The two of them took their phones out and swapped to exchange their numbers. Their fingers touched as they gave one another's phones back, which did not go unnoticed by either of them.

Grant glanced at the large, crowded room behind them. "It looks like everyone is starting to find their seats again. We should probably head back in."

"Hey, Grant." He stopped and faced Hannah once again. She stepped closer and kissed his cheek. "I'm glad I have you around to make me feel sane."

He smiled and gently took hold of her hand. "Ditto."

They walked back inside hand-in-hand, both knowing that everyone was too worried about themselves to notice their close proximity.

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