Duets ~ Hevans (Glee) Part 2

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Sam continued to start up conversations with Kurt as they both seemed to enjoy talking with one another. As the pair grew closer, Sam began to sit next to Kurt in glee club most days. The first time caused Quinn to smile when she walked in, while Finn tried to ignore it. Finn decided he wasn't going to interfere anymore. He already warned Kurt. Besides, he couldn't stop them from being friends, and he hoped Sam would say something if he felt uncomfortable. With that thought in mind, Finn chose to trust Kurt's word and be happy for his future stepbrother, who may have found a new friend.

One day at some point during Mr. Schue's lesson, Sam leaned in to Kurt and whispered, "Hey, I heard the Lima Bean is, like, the hangout spot here. You want to get coffee after school?"

Kurt was taken aback by Sam's offer. He looked at the boy next to him, smiled, and answered, "Yeah, sure."

"Cool." Sam tried to hide his grin as he sat upright once again. He attempted to bring his focus back to the teacher standing in front of the whiteboard but was unsuccessful. He was happy Kurt agreed to hang out and couldn't decide if he was more nervous or excited. The more Sam got to know Kurt, the more he liked him. He just wasn't sure if Kurt felt the same way. Not to mention, Sam hadn't explicitly told Kurt his sexuality, so he could think Sam was straight.

The rest of the school day seemed to drag on for both Sam and Kurt. They couldn't wait for time to pass, so they could chat over coffee.

Eventually, they were free and met up at the front of the building. Once they spotted each other, the pair walked to Kurt's car, and he drove them to the popular coffee shop.

They got in line and ordered with Sam insisting that he pay. They waited off to the side for their drinks before finding a small table toward the back.

The two of them spoke for a while about anything and everything. Kurt told a lot of stories from glee club prior to Sam joining, and Sam brought up his old school and what it was like living in Kentucky.

At one point, there was a lull in the conversation, and Kurt took the opportunity to ask Sam something that had been on his mind. "What are we, Sam? I-I like spending time with you, and you've been a great friend. But is there something more? I don't...I- are you gay?" Kurt was scared to admit his feelings and ask Sam about his, but he didn't think he could handle Sam leading him on anymore if he didn't feel the same. Kurt thought they were good friends, but sometimes Sam would say or do something that seemed more than friendly. As much as it terrified him to bring it up, Kurt needed confirmation.

"I, uh," Sam wasn't entirely sure where to start. "I'm bi...and I really like spending time with you, too."

Kurt nodded, relieved by Sam's confessions. "What does that make us then?"

"Friends that like each other?" Sam suggested innocently.

Kurt laughed lightly. "I can work with that." He let his mind wander for a moment. "Does anyone else know that you're bi?"

"Just Quinn." Kurt gave him a questioning look, wondering how she knew before him. "She asked if I was gay at Breadstix when I told her I had a secret I was ashamed of." Suddenly, Sam wished he left that last detail out, knowing he would have to explain, and Kurt would find out he was right about Sam's hair all along.

"Something tells me you being bi wasn't the secret you were talking about. Do tell." Kurt leaned in slightly, interested in learning new information about Sam.

"I-it's nothing," Sam tried to brush it off, waving his hand in dismissal.

"It's not. And it sounds like you told Quinn, and if you trusted her enough that quickly, then surely I should know," Kurt pried.

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