Roommates ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 4

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All of the Warblers were at practice, and everyone seemed to notice some shift in Kurt and Sebastian's relationship. No one knew what happened between them, but they seemed to have grown closer in some way. Of course, the two of them have been a little more civil around each other since their heart-to-heart conversation from the other night. But neither of them thought the change was obvious.

The Warblers were currently broken up into various groups to work on different parts of their setlist. Blaine and Kurt had been talking when the younger boy asked, "So what's going on with you and Sebastian?"

Kurt looked at his friend with confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Something happened between you two. You guys don't look like you constantly want to hurt each other anymore. Not to mention, the amount of arguing has gone down."

Kurt shrugged, unsure of what to tell Blaine. He couldn't deny the truth that they were no longer sworn enemies, but he definitely couldn't explain to anyone why their dynamic changed. "Fighting with someone all the time is tiring."

Blaine gave Kurt a look. "There's obviously more to it than that."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Oh my god, wait. Did you two kiss?"

"What? Blaine, no!" Kurt's answer came out louder than expected, causing some of the other Warblers to look their way. Realizing his panic seemed suspicious, Kurt looked into Blaine's eyes and said seriously but quieter, "We didn't kiss."

Blaine nodded, still trying to figure out what caused the shift.

"Let's just get back to this song," Kurt changed the subject, feeling uncomfortable under Blaine's analytical gaze.


"So, what was that outburst at Anderson during practice about?" Sebastian casually asked Kurt about earlier (as he was a sucker for people's drama). They had gone back to their room after practice to change out of their uniforms, not having other plans for the rest of the day.

Kurt rolled his eyes, thinking of their brief conversation. "He asked if we kissed."

Sebastian's signature smirk disappeared as he felt his face flush, thankful that Kurt had his back to him. Trying to seem unaffected by this information, Sebastian sarcastically said, "Glad you're so enthused about the thought of kissing me."

Kurt was quick to reply, "Do you want me to be?" in an attempt to fluster Sebastian. He turned to look at his roommate, who unwillingly made eye contact. It appeared that his attempt was successful. Seeing Sebastian's reaction caused Kurt to chuckle. "That was a joke, Sebastian."

"Obviously." He rolled his eyes. Composing himself, Sebastian curiously asked, "What made him ask anyway?"

"The Warblers, especially Blaine, insist that something changed between you and me." Kurt felt a little shy to admit that.

Sebastian acted cluelessly. "Why do they think that?"

Kurt gave the taller boy a look. Even though their feelings towards each other have changed a little bit, neither of them ever brought up the reason for it. Kurt still felt embarrassed about all he revealed, and Sebastian didn't want to think about why he reacted to Kurt the way he did that night.

"Okay, but they make it seem like everything is completely different."

Kurt simply shrugged, not knowing what was going through their friends' minds.

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