Wild Child (2)

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A/N: This can be considered a part two to the previous one shot, Coaches. Enjoy :)

Quinn really likes her job. She gets along with her coworkers, gets to mess around sometimes under the premise of teaching, and is good at what she does.

But sometimes, things can get a little crazy. Things meaning children and crazy meaning their stories. The students have a tendency to babble about what goes on in their lives. And sometimes, those tales go a bit off the rails.

Quinn had heard a lot of weird stories—some amusing, some disturbing. And today was no different.

She was co-teaching with Cameron. Their students were currently on the balance beams working on jumps and turns. All of a sudden, one of the girls, Abigail, got Quinn's attention. Thinking she needed help or had a question, the coach walked over to the younger girl.

Abigail took that as an invitation to vent about her home life, "Do your mommy and daddy sleep together?" She didn't give Quinn a chance to respond and continued talking, "Because my friends at school say theirs do. But mommy tells daddy to sleep on the couch and threatens to make him sleep in the tool shed. I don't think she means it though. But daddy's been coming home late and leaving before I wake up. He says he's been busy at work. I don't know if that's true or not."

Not knowing how to respond, Quinn glanced at Cameron to see his reaction if he overheard any of it. She noticed his amused smile and could tell that he was glad Abby was talking to him. He mouthed, "good luck" and continued watching the other students and their form.

Obviously not being able to tell Abigail that her dad definitely sounds like he's busy with something...or someone that isn't work related, she settles for, "Maybe he's working on a big project that requires overtime, and it's tiring for your mom."

"I think he's cheating on mommy with someone from work."

Quinn had to stop her jaw from dropping at the little girl's words. Kids have absolutely no filter and know more than adults give them credit for.

"What makes you think that?" Quinn asked, not wanting to outright agree with her student.

"I hear mommy yell at daddy sometimes. They always wait until I go to bed. She talks about daddy's "work friend." And she's always mad when she brings it up."

"Maybe it's a misunderstanding."

"You don't have to sugar-coat it for me, Coach Quinn. They might get a divorce."

Quinn was still trying to figure out why and how her student knew about divorce at her age when Abigail went back to her jumps like she never said anything in the first place.

The coach took her place next to Cameron and got a little lost in her thoughts.

"You alright there, Q?"

She shook her head slightly to clear her head and looked at him. "I'll never fully understand how kids' minds work." It wasn't the first time Quinn heard some bizarre story from a student, but they always managed to catch her off guard.

He laughed and patted her shoulder before going back into teaching mode.


Quinn made it through the rest of practice without hearing more strange stories. And as soon as the kids were gone and the coaches cleaned up, she told her co-workers about Abigail's parents. The coaches had a habit of sharing their experiences during work while they were on break. The same way she was sure teachers gossiped about their students, the coaches did the same at the gym.

As they enjoyed their break, everyone sat on the floor by the lockers and talked. Quinn and Cameron sat with their backs against the storage units. Cameron had his arm wrapped around Quinn's shoulders, while she leaned into the touch and rested her head on his shoulder.

Taking note of the pair's closeness, Skylar spoke up, "Have you noticed how Ash keeps pairing Quinn and Cameron up to teach together? Even our boss ships it, guys!"

Quinn rolled her eyes while Cameron smirked. "That's just so Quinn can learn how to teach properly."

She smacked his arm and retorted, "Let's not forget who trained who, Mr. Egotistical."

"She's got you there, Cameron. You struggled to differentiate between a handstand and a cartwheel for weeks," Skylar chimed in.

"Now, you're just exaggerating."

"You definitely kept mixing up terminology, Cam. We only keep you around for your strength."

"And that's why we get paired up. Someone needs to help you spot the kids."

She hit his arm again, not letting him get away with his teasing. "I spot the same kids as you."

He spoke lower this time, so only Quinn would hear, "You're a great coach, Q."

"Thank you." She looked at him and smiled.

"Just date already!" Skylar exclaimed. The pair's short intimate moment ended, startled by the sudden noise. The other coaches just nodded in agreement. They all thought the two needed to just get together; Skylar was just the most vocal about it.

Ignoring them, Cameron spoke to the girl next to him but loud enough for everyone to hear, "Do you think they can get through one day of work without bringing us up?"

"I don't think they can. And by they, I mean Skylar. I think they would explode if they didn't talk about us."

"You know, I can hear you," Skylar said.

"That was the point, Skylar," Cameron deadpanned.

They flipped him off and started a conversation with another coach.

Everyone wound up in their own worlds and separate conversations, leaving Quinn and Cameron to just enjoy being in each other's space.

Since the attention was off of them, they took a chance. The pair held each other's hand and placed them in between their almost touching thighs.

They stayed in the comfortable position until Ashley—their boss—came in to tell them that the next class was starting. They let go before anyone else noticed and got ready for the older students to come into the gym for practice.

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