Catching Up ~ Hevans (Glee) Part 1

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I sat quietly at the bar in Scandals with a drink in hand. I came alone, figuring I needed some time to myself to clear my head. That and the only other person I willingly came here with previously is no longer my significant other.

I've been living in New York for the past few years, and I came back to Lima for some time mostly to visit my dad. It's been nice spending time with him and Carole, but my thoughts have been a bit all over the place lately.

My mind tends to remember the bad memories whenever I come back to visit. Don't get me wrong, my time spent in Ohio wasn't all bad, and I miss high school sometimes...well, glee club. But my home is in New York now.

I took a sip from my glass when someone sat on the stool next to mine. I glanced at the man, wondering why he chose that seat when there were plenty of other vacant ones. That was when I realized that I knew this boy.

"Hey," Sam greeted with a sheepish smile. "I thought you were in New York."

"I came to visit my dad and Carole. What brings you here?" I asked, referring to the bar since he hasn't moved out of Ohio.

"I, uh," he rubbed the back of his neck. That was when I noticed that he had cut his hair since I last saw him. He started growing it out a bit at one point, but it looks nice short like this. "Just wanted to go out and do something I guess."

"You're not straight, are you?" I stupidly blurted out in a gentle tone.

"H-how..." he seemed confused. "How d'you know?"

"I mean, there's only so many places to go here. But I didn't have you pegged as someone who would just decide to hang out at a gay bar. Also, you know what I said about your hair back in high school."

He chuckled at that, remembering when I accused him of dying his hair from the day we met. And of course, I was right. I mean, it was lemon juice and not dye, but I knew it wasn't natural. Although, he's stopped since then and his natural dirty blond color suits him. But I need to stop paying so much attention to him and his hair. Sure, I had a slight crush on him briefly when he first transferred to McKinley. But that was years ago at this point, and a lot has changed. Though, maybe I've always had a soft spot for Sam. He just always seemed a bit different from the other jocks and the other boys in glee club - in a good way of course.

"I guess I've learned some things about myself since high school."

"How specific," I said sarcastically with a small smile.

"I came here a few times with Blaine during our senior year. He wanted to go out sometimes, and it didn't feel right to let him go on his own." I nodded in understanding. Sam and Blaine met when Blaine transferred to McKinley in their junior year but seemed to become best friends along with Tina after I graduated. I was glad he found friends that he connected with since I had gone to New York to start my life after high school. "Sometime after we graduated, I realized that I actually didn't mind coming here and wound up...experimenting one night."

"And you liked it," I said slowly, trying to gauge how he felt.

"I did. I didn't like the guy or anything, so it wasn't amazing. But...I slowly came to the realization that maybe I like guys the way I like girls," he explained.

"Have you told anyone?"

"I told Blaine, and Tina found out. I don't remember how, but she yelled at me for not telling her." He laughed a little, most likely thinking back to that time. "But uh, I remember Blaine joked around, asking why I couldn't have realized back when he had a crush on me."

I tilted my head in confusion. "Blaine had a crush on you?"

"Oh," he must not have known that I didn't know this information. "It was during our senior year when you two were having...some issues. But I think it was more so because he missed you. He wasn't quite sure where to direct his feelings, and we were really close. It wasn't a big deal and nothing changed." He shrugged. "Now, it's just something I can make fun of him for."

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