Roommates ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 6

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"Kurt, I think we need to talk," Sebastian said.

"Yeah, that's always good news," he replied with sarcasm. They were in their dorm room, as classes had ended for the day, and were getting ready for Warbler practice.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Don't make this more difficult than it already is."

Kurt tilted his head, curiosity piqued. "Don't make what more difficult?"

"Okay, I know our whole relationship is basically built on mocking each other, but please don't make fun of me just this once." Sebastian was clearly nervous, which was very unlike him, making Kurt think this was about something serious.

"Sure, what's up?" He asked, casually leaning against the desk on his side of the room.

Sebastian stood by the foot of his bed and glanced at Kurt before finding great interest in the floor. "I like you, Kurt."

"You're alright, Smythe," Kurt couldn't resist teasing his roommate. Sebastian gave him a look, and Kurt became more serious, "I...I like you, too, Seb."

Sebastian seemed more surprised by the nickname than the confession. Once he came back to his senses, he smirked. "Seb, huh?"

"Do you not like the name? Because the only nicknames I'll give you from now on will be condescending if you keep this up."

"No," Sebastian chuckled lightly. "I like it. I just wasn't expecting it."

"Clearly," Kurt sassed before trying to get back on topic, "You cared more about that than anything else I said."

"Oh, trust me, I heard you loud and clear." Sebastian's cheeks flushed pink.

"And what are you going to do about it?" Kurt asked, waiting for Sebastian to make the first move. By now, both of their faces were red.

Sebastian gingerly walked to the other side of the room and stood in front of Kurt, who was still leaning against the desk (making their height difference slightly bigger). Kurt and Sebastian glanced between each other's eyes and lips before they leaned in at the same time and met in the middle. Kurt was quick to loosely wrap his arms around Sebastian's neck while Sebastian's hands found Kurt's waist. The kiss started slow and uncertain but picked up as the boys grew more confident in their feelings and actions. They eventually pulled away, both a bit breathless. Kurt's hands were back on the desk, where they were before the kiss, while Sebastian shoved his in the pockets of his dress pants.

Kurt said breathlessly, returning to reality, "We should probably get to practice."

Sebastian nodded in agreement and stepped away from Kurt. They looked at each other to see if either of them were disheveled, while mentally using that as an excuse to check one another out. Wordlessly, both decided that they were good to go and left the room to get to practice before the others assumed the worst.

"You two always seem to walk in together."

"Thad, we're roommates," Sebastian deadpanned, rolling his eyes at his friend's stupidity.

"Yes, but you always seem to be the last ones to join us."

"You see this?" Kurt pointed to his perfectly-done hair. "This takes time."

"Whatever," Thad mumbled. "Okay, let's get this meeting started now that everyone is here."

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