Ok, Karen (3)

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A/N: So this takes place sometime before the last two one shots. The idea just came to me this morning, and I really like Skylar, so here's a little background I guess.

When Quinn started working at the gym, she had to get used to being called Miss. They went by first names, so it didn't feel too teacher-y. But it was still an adjustment to get used to.

It had stopped feeling so strange a few weeks in. Then, a few more weeks passed, and Ashley had a meeting with all of the coaches.

She told them that they would all go by Coach instead of Mister or Miss. No one quite knew what inspired the change, but none of them had any complaints.

At the start of classes, they informed all of the students to refer to the instructors as Coach. Of course, students had slip ups, as they were used to something different, but they all adjusted just fine.

Quinn, Cameron, and the other coaches that Skylar works with regularly found out the reason behind the name change. They trusted their coworkers enough to come out to them about going by they/them pronouns. That meant that Skylar wasn't quite comfortable with being referred to as Miss or Mister and talked to their boss about coming up with something gender neutral.

Ashley was immediately on board. After a few minutes of brainstorming, she realized everyone could be called Coach since that's what all of the workers were at the end of the day.

Skylar hugged Ashley after hearing the idea and thanked her repeatedly.

Skylar was nervous to tell their coworkers but was relieved when they all took it well. Nothing had changed between them. There was no awkwardness and tension, which Skylar was deeply grateful for.

Everything seemed to go smoothly...until the parents caught wind of the change. It wasn't a big deal since it was still a respectful way for the students to refer to their teachers. But one kid told her mom about one coach going by they instead of she.

Skylar told some of the kids because they figured the little ones wouldn't throw a fit over it. And they didn't.

But that mother caused a scene. One day after practice, the mother—Karen, as all of the coaches started to call her after that day (despite most of them knowing her real name)—went to talk to Ashley in her office. It wouldn't be the first time a parent wanted to talk to her; that happens all the time.

But then Karen started talking. And Ashley knew it wouldn't be a nice conversation. She kindly told the mother to enter the office and shut the door in hopes that people on the other side wouldn't hear them.

Karen went off about having her kid getting taught by someone who "doesn't even know who they are."

Ashley tried to stay calm, even though she had a strong urge to slap her across the face. She explained that it wasn't really Karen's business and that the teaching had not been altered in any way, shape, or form. Class is being taught as it always has.

Karen insisted that her "precious little girl" would learn things that doesn't need to be learned, especially at the gym of all places.

The owner of the gym let the mother rant to her heart's content. Once she was finally done, Ashley told her that she could either pull her child from class and not return to the gym if she was too bothered or she could suck it up since this is the only gym in the area and be respectful to the people watching over her child each week. She would not tolerate anyone berating her workers, who she cared for like they were her own.

Karen just huffed in response. She left the office to get her child and gave Ashley a dirty look on their way out.

Karen showed up the next week. But she simply dropped her kid off and came back to pick her up once class was over. She avoided Ashley and the coaches, which they were all perfectly fine with.

Immediately after the little encounter in the office, Ashley walked into the gym to tell the coaches about the Karen. She warned them about her small-mindedness and told them to get their boss if she ever tried to confront any of them.

They thanked Ashley for the warning and ended the conversation with a group hug. Some may have only known each other for a couple of months, but they were all close and acted like family.

And family was always there for each other.

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