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I was having a casual conversation with Leslie, as we walked through the mostly empty halls. I saw Faith coming by. I was about to wave and say hi, until I noticed the expression on her face. I don't know if she was having a bad day or if she was just giving me a dirty look. Feeling disheartened, my hand dropped back at my side. Did I do something to her? Maybe it wasn't directed at me. It sure felt like it though when we made eye contact.

"Sasha?" I heard from my right.


"You alright? I was telling a story and suddenly you were all distracted and spaced out."

Not completely sure if I wanted to talk about it, I responded with, "Did you see Faith?"

"Just now? Yeah, why?"

"Did you see the look on her face?" I guess, I did want to talk about it.

"Sorry, I wasn't really paying attention."

I sighed. "Maybe I'm seeing things, but she seemed kinda pissed, and it felt like it was directed at me. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong, but it's just a gut feeling I'm having."

"Did you do something to piss her off?"

"No! That's what I don't understand. I don't think I did anything. And if I did, I have no idea what it could possibly be."

"To be fair, you're like one of the most innocent and non-problematic people I know."

"Yeah, so I don't get what I could've done to get that reaction out of her. I thought the two of us were kind of friends. I mean, we've talked more than a few times. That's gotta count for something."

"Maybe you should try talking to her when you see each other next."

"Yeah, maybe I will. I don't want problems with anyone." I frowned.

"Anyone who has problems with you, has problems of their own." Leslie wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"Thanks, Les," I said, grateful for my best friend.

Deciding we had skipped enough of our least favorite class, we made our way to one of the three periods we had together.


"Hey! Sasha!" Someone called from somewhere behind me. I turned around and saw Faith coming my way. Maybe she wanted to talk about earlier.

"Hi." I offered a small smile. Her face stayed the same.

"Can we talk...somewhere a bit more private?"

"Uh, sure."

She took hold of my wrist and led us to the bathroom, which she checked to make sure it was empty.

"What's the deal with you and my boyfriend?"

"What do you mean? We're friends. We've always been friends. You know that," I explained truthfully.

"No, I don't know that. There's been multiple people telling me that they've seen you cuddling and shit."

I tilted my head. "We hug sometimes because that's what friends do. Sure, we talk and joke around with each other and everything but only as friends."

"I think you like my boyfriend," she stated, using that term again to remind me?

"I think you're wrong. Actually, I don't think, I know; I know because my feelings for your boyfriend," I threw her words back in her face, "are strictly platonic."

"Look, I've seen you two hanging out, Sasha. I see how you look at him and act around him."

"Faith, I don't like him that way! And even if I did, I wouldn't act on it, knowing that you two are together. I'm not that kind of person." I'm sorry if you're that insecure about your relationship, I wanted to add but held back.

"Well, I don't know that."

"Then ask anyone that knows me if you're that paranoid. Talk to your boyfriend about it. And why are you only mentioning it now? You've already been together for a couple of months, no?"

"We have. But people have started telling me things about you two recently."

"Well, tell them to stop tracking our every move. If you don't trust him, that's between you two. Don't rope me into this. I'm sorry that I want to hang out with my friend sometimes. I didn't realize that was a crime." At this point, I was too annoyed to filter my words. I try to be nice to everyone, but I do have my limits. And apparently, this was one of them.

She huffed and puffed like the big bad wolf for a bit before storming out...or so I thought. She only took a few steps before coming back and standing really close. "Back off of my boyfriend, and leave us alone." And then she actually stomped out.

What the hell is her problem? I stood still in the bathroom for a few minutes after Faith left, unsure of what to do. I thought we were going to resolve our minor issue. But instead, the minor issue turned into a major issue because she doesn't trust us?

My annoyance turned into anger, and I was ready to punch something. I wound up hitting the tile wall once, maybe twice, before some underclassman came in. I stopped before they would have been able to see and rushed out, not wanting them to question me in any way. I went to my locker, not wanting to go to class after that event.

I quickly unlocked the door and opened it to make it look like I was searching for something. That was when I saw some blood on my knuckles. It wasn't a lot, since it looked like I just scraped them or something. I didn't worry about it, and I let myself calm down.

Once I was more in control of my emotions, I shut my locker and slowly walked to class. By now, I was so tired that I didn't even worry about everyone staring at me as I walked into the classroom.

"Ah, Miss Fisher, so glad you could join us."

"Yeah, I was having some female issues in the bathroom," I lied to shut him up.

"Oh, yes, well, of course," He stumbled on his words, immediately feeling awkward. "Please, take a seat, Miss Fisher."

I nodded my head slightly and went to sit down at my desk. Leslie's eyes were trained on me, eagerly waiting for me to make eye contact. I situated myself in my seat before looking her way.

"What the hell happened?" She whispered quite loudly.

"I'll tell you after class," I said in a quieter voice, so others wouldn't hear.

"You better."

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