Strength and Weakness

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"If we die, I'm going to kill you." Samantha glared at Connor.

"We'll be fine, Sim," he reassured his best friend.

"Says the clumsiest member of the LSA."

"Am not!" Connor was quick to defend himself. Samantha simply gave him a look, causing him to sigh. "Yeah, I know."

The younger girl chuckled as they both continued to walk towards their doom (according to Samantha).

"How did you even convince me to do this?" Samantha questioned the eager boy.

"Lots of begging." He smiled cheekily. "And you just love me too much to let me do this alone."

"Sometimes I question why I do," she said distractedly, looking up at the amusement park ride they were in line for. Connor, being the daredevil of the pair, wanted to go on the Superman - basically a free-fall over the pier, only being held up by a harness of sorts.

"C'mon, it'll be fun." Connor took Samantha by her hand to drag her along, as the people in front of them moved up.

They eventually made it to the front, and it was their turn.

The girl assisting them with the harness and such commented, "You two are so cute!"

That was when they both realized that Connor still had a hold on Samantha's hand. "Oh, this," he held up their hands. "Is only because she'd probably run away otherwise."

"He's my brother," Samantha lied easily. A lot of people that met the duo thought they were dating, due to their comfortableness with each other. So, they tended to either go along with it or say they were related (usually as siblings). Since Samantha started dating Brayden, they began to go with the latter lie more often. They never knew who was a fan and could recognize Samantha. And they did not want to deal with that drama.

"Half brother," Connor added on to clear up the confusion of them not looking anything alike. He'd probably say step-brother, but he wanted to avoid...those jokes.

The worker nodded, seeming embarrassed and slightly confused. Connor and Samantha suppressed their laughs, not getting tired of seeing people's reactions to them.

After a little more fumbling around with the safety equipment, the young employee told the pair with a thumbs up, "You guys are good to go."

They moved forward to another employee, who helped attach them to the actual attraction. He instructed the pair that one of them had to pull the cord that would set them soaring over the pier.

Samantha and Connor slowly started ascending.

"Is it too late to back out?" Samantha said in a joking manner, but full of fear.

Connor just chuckled, feeling excited from the adrenaline.

They both knew when they got to the top. Connor asked Samantha if she was ready.

"No, but just do it. The faster you pull the cord, the faster we'll be done."

"Do you want a countdown?" Samantha considered the question for a very brief moment.

"Yes," she answered, knowing Connor wouldn't pull it before the end of the countdown. Yes, they teased and annoyed each other often, but he knew how afraid Samantha was feeling in this moment. And he knew not to mess with least not until they were off the potential death trap.

"Okay, ready?" He mumbled rhetorically. "3...2...1!"

Connor pulled the cord, and Samantha immediately let out a scared scream. Connor laughed at his friend and because he was enjoying the feeling of flying.

Soon enough, it was over, and Samantha could breathe again. One of the workers came to help the pair out of all the equipment before saying, "Enjoy the rest of your night!"

Samantha and Connor walked through the gate and looked around at the other rides, silently deciding where they wanted to go next.

"So? What'd you think?" Connor asked after giving his best friend some time to calm down.

"Never again will I go on that. But I suppose I'm glad I can say I did go on it," she begrudgingly admitted.

Connor chuckled and lazily threw an arm around her shoulder. "I told you it wouldn't be that bad. And look! We didn't die! So that means you don't have to kill me."

"I can still kill you in our combat sessions. Although, you don't necessarily need me there for that..." she joked, referring to the fact that Connor can't seem to let a month go by without him getting injured somehow.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. But if I was that bad, they would've kicked me out."

"They only keep you around so I don't get lonely being surrounded by all those adults."

"Ah, yes, of course. They would do anything to please Miss Legacy over here."

Samantha smacked Connor on his arm - hard enough where he'd feel it, but soft enough where it wouldn't hurt.

"Um, excuse me," the duo heard a shy voice behind them and turned around. "Do you happen to be Samantha Roberts?"

"Yeah, that's me." Samantha still felt hesitant about admitting who she was, as she could never be sure if it was a fan or someone who was out to get her. But growing up in the industry, she had a good sense of who would actually be trying to attack her.

"I told you it was her," the girl said to the friend beside her. Turning back to Samantha, she asked, "Do you think we could get a picture with you?"

"Of course." She smiled.

Connor offered to take the picture, so the girl handed him her phone.

After a brief photo shoot thanks to Connor, the girl took her phone back and thanked the best friends.

"Wow, my best friend is famous," Connor joked, like he often does whenever someone recognizes Samantha.

"Only by association. Sometimes I wish I was still anonymous."

"You still get worried because of the spy thing?"

"How can I not?" She sighed. "But I'd say it's worth it. I don't get swarmed constantly like the boys. And being semi-known hasn't actually made me more of a target thankfully...but it is always in the back of my mind."

"I get it. But hey, you're the best in your field. You can take anyone down."

"And it's the pep talks like that that make me say you're secretly in love with me."

This time, it was Connor's turn to smack Samantha's arm, resulting in her laughing.

"I thought we both matured, and you moved past telling me that all the time."

She shrugged with a smirk on her face. "Sometimes it just slips out from time to time."

"I guess some things just never change."

"You got that right," Samantha replied before putting her arm around Connor's waist. Then, she pointed, "Oh, let's go on that ride."

And to that ride they went.

It may not be my best, but I did have a lot of fun writing this scene for some reason. So I suppose I like it for that reason. Maybe I just missed these characters, who knows.

But hopefully you enjoyed reading about the lighthearted friendship as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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