'Friendly' Encounters

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I heard my bedroom door open, so I turned around to see my cousin standing in the doorframe. "The guys and I are going out for pizza. Wanna come?"

"No, thanks. I have to finish this assignment," I declined, not wanting to deal with the group's chaos.

"Alright. I'll bring something back for you."

Half paying attention to Tony's words, I responded, "Yeah, thanks."

He shut my door, and I blocked out my surroundings once again. Usually, I'm always down to hang out with everyone, but sometimes I get in a mood when I'm in the middle of something and want nothing to do with the world around me. This was one of those times.

Before I knew it, I finished my work. Not knowing how much time passed, I left my room and went downstairs just because. I made it to the kitchen and noticed Jax sitting on the couch.

"You guys are back already?" I questioned, wondering where the rest were and how it was so quiet.

"No, I didn't go with them." Most of our friends were quite comfortable in our house, so it wasn't that weird that he was here on his own.

"Oh, why not?"

He shrugged. "Just didn't feel like it, I guess."

I silently nodded and made my way over to the couch he was occupying. Taking a seat, I checked my phone for any messages. Of course, there weren't any since people rarely need to contact me.

"Why'd you stay here?" Jax broke the brief silence.

"I had a project to finish, and I kinda hyper focused on it."

He was the one to nod this time.

After a few minutes of semi-awkward silence, we got to talking. And I didn't realize just how close Jax had gotten to me until his leg brushed against mine.

"You know, I like hanging out with all the guys...but I think I prefer just spending time with you," Jax flirted. This would be considered flirting, right? Because I don't think there's any other way to take that sort of comment. Regardless, I felt my face flush. Looking away, I knew he had already seen how his statement affected me.

"Is that so?" I responded with fake confidence.

With a small nod, his eyes traveled down a bit before looking me in my eyes again. This happened a few more times before we both began to lean in.

I closed my eyes and quickly felt his soft lips against mine. It was gentle and without urgency. And it ended way too soon.

We stared at each other for a few seconds before Jax leaned in again, kissing me much more passionately than the first time. I quickly responded and kissed back with just as much emotion. This kiss lasted longer than the previous one, and we were both slightly out of breath when we pulled away.

The two of us didn't say much after that, but we stayed put where we were almost on top of one another. Our thighs were touching, Jax's arm was around my shoulders, and my head was leaning on his shoulder. To say it was comfortable would be a bit of an understatement.

But obviously, we couldn't stay like that forever, as much as I may have wanted to.

"Honey, I'm home!" Brandon shouted from the front door. I bolted away from Jax to the other side of the sofa.

I stood up once the boys walked into the living room and made my way to my room to "check something." In reality, I just needed to calm down a bit and get out of the shock from kissing Jax. Part of me still can't believe that actually happened. Never did I think we would share any sort of moment that isn't platonic.

I had time to think about it while sitting in his presence. But seeing the other guys made me panic a little bit. Jax was open with his sexuality, and everyone knows he isn't straight. But no one, except for Jax now, knows that I'm also not straight. I don't quite know if I'm gay or something in between, which may be a small factor as to why I haven't told anyone. I mean, I know none of the guys would have an issue with it considering they treat Jax the same as they always have. But I'm just not ready to come out yet. I do want to tell them eventually, but I would definitely rather tell them than have them find out from seeing me with someone...especially that someone being a close friend.

I distinctly hear Jax mention that he has to use the bathroom before entering my room and shutting the door faster than I could say his name.

"Hey," He gave a shy smile. Oh, my heart, that's so cute.

"Hi," I broke eye contact, also feeling timid at the moment.

"So, uh, maybe I shouldn't have, but I really enjoyed that kiss."

"Y-yeah, me too," my voice came out quieter than I would have wanted.

"Maybe we should do it again sometime."

I playfully rolled my eyes and joked, "At least take me on a date first."

"You want to?"


"Go on a date. Do you really want to?

"Oh, uh-" I couldn't get any real words out.

A sly look crossed his features, "Sounds like a plan. How about sometime later this week?"

"Sure," I said, sounding anything but sure, although the thought of actually going on a date with him really excited me.

"Great!" He paused. "Maybe we should head back downstairs before they start assuming things."

I felt my face heat up. "Oh my god, that's adorable."

"Shut the fuck up," I mumbled, my cheeks getting redder.

He chuckled as we left my room to join the others downstairs.

"You guys fucking or something up there?"

"Dude, that's my little cousin," Tony butted in before either of us could say anything.

"I'm sixteen!"

"And we're eighteen, so you're still young." I rolled my eyes.

"Notice how neither of them denied it, though," Shaun continued.

"We're not fucking," Jax and I deadpanned at the same time.

"Oh, yeah. Real convincing," Shaun replied sarcastically.

We let the subject go when I asked for my food.

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