Roommates ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 5

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TW: self harm

The Warblers decided to have a movie night, as they tend to do every so often. They settled on some action movie Kurt couldn't be bothered to remember the name of. He wasn't paying much attention and had begun to doze off.

He wasn't sleeping peacefully for long, though, because he was having a nightmare. After a few painful minutes of more than unpleasant flashbacks, he jolted awake and frantically looked around the room. He quickly recognized that he was in the senior commons at Dalton and not stuck in McKinley's locker room. However, he was still spooked, so he got up and ran to his dorm room to escape the painful memories. He didn't slow down until he was in front of the bathroom mirror, blade in hand.

He glanced from the reflection of his own eyes to the small object in his hand. He rolled his left sleeve up and brought the razor closer and closer to his already marked skin until he began to see the familiar beads of red. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and sighed before drawing another straight line into his skin. With each cut, the bad memories were leaving his mind for the time being.

Meanwhile, Sebastian and the other Warblers were still sitting in front of the television in the commons. It seemed as though no one but Sebastian noticed Kurt's sudden absence, whether it was due to being invested in the movie, falling asleep, or being too focused on the person next to them.

Sebastian, concerned for his roommate running out, got up from his spot on one of the couches and went to his dorm room. He assumed Kurt would be in there. And he assumed correctly, seeing the bathroom door shut as soon as he entered.

He lightly knocked on the bathroom door. "Kurt?"

He didn't hear a response, and he turned the doorknob. In his haste, Kurt forgot to lock it, not that it would have stopped Sebastian - he would have picked the lock just like last time.

Sebastian opened the door to a sight he had hoped he wouldn't see. "Kurt!" He exclaimed, louder than before.

Kurt seemed to hear his roommate this time and dropped the blade in the sink out of shock and fear. Kurt knew this wasn't new information for Sebastian, but there was a big difference between the implications and actually seeing it firsthand.

"I- uh, it's not- um," Kurt stuttered, trying to say something. But he knew there was no possible way to explain this away or sweep it under the rug.

"Kurt," Sebastian breathed out.

"I'm sorry," Kurt said so softly that Sebastian wasn't sure he heard correctly. Ignoring the apology, Sebastian took the razor out of the sink and temporarily placed it on the counter. He gently took Kurt's arm and ran some water over it. He heard Kurt hiss in pain, but both knew the cuts needed to be cleaned up.

Normally, Kurt would protest and refuse any sort of help from Sebastian. But he felt so tired and numb that he just accepted it. Grabbing a small towel on the other side of the room, Sebastian lightly dabbed it on Kurt's injured arm. He tried to apply as little pressure as possible while still cleaning the blood. He then found some bandages in a small first aid kit that was stowed away on one of the shelves and wrapped it around Kurt's arm. They were both silent throughout this process. Sebastian's mind was racing, trying to figure out what to say or ask Kurt, while Kurt's mind became blank as he was hoping for.

"Kurt, what happened?" Sebastian asked in a gentle voice. He didn't want to startle the other boy.

"Nightmare," he mumbled, then tried to dismiss it, "Doesn't matter."

"Wha..." The reply surprised Sebastian. Of course, it matters! He wanted to yell at Kurt but knew not to. "You realize what you just did, right?"

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