Roommates ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 1

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So another quick author's note: I wrote a scene for a Kurtbastian story. It started out as a one shot, but then I started writing more scenes around them and added to the story. I initially thought to make it it's own story, but found I just liked the stuff I wrote and was struggling a little bit on the events in between these scenes. So I'm just going to post each of them here. Each part will be a different scene, so they can be read in order or on their own.
Also, thank you to you know who for putting up with my fixation and still reading these one shots even without watching the show. I appreciate you. (Also, yes, this is another ship with I said, he's my favorite. And this ship isn't canon, but I love the idea of them together and fanfics about it sooo)
(There's eight parts, so enjoy something each day for the next week if I don't forget lol)

"I'm transferring to Dalton Academy..."

Kurt felt crushed about having to leave the New Directions, but he knew this would be for the best. He wouldn't have to fear for his life at school every day, and he could always see his friends on the weekends.

"You ready, kiddo?" Burt asked his son from the driver's seat.

"Yeah." Kurt took his seatbelt off and went to the back of the car to get his bags.

The two of them entered the fancy-looking building and headed for the dean's office. Kurt needed to get his schedule and find out what room he would be staying in.

With the new information, Kurt said bye to his dad, promising to call and visit from time to time.

Kurt wandered around the halls, searching for the dorms. At some point, he bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry."

"It's alright," the boy chuckled lightly. "You seem lost. Do you need help getting somewhere?"

"Yeah, I'm trying to find my dorm room." Kurt checked the number written at the bottom of his schedule and showed the other student.

"Follow me. I know exactly where that is." They walked down the hall until they got to a staircase. "I'm Blaine by the way."


Blaine guided Kurt through the halls until he stopped in front of a closed door, causing Kurt to almost bump into Blaine.

"This is the place." Blaine knocked on the door.

"Thank you." Kurt smiled.

The door opened, revealing a boy who seemed slightly taller than Kurt. "Anderson, to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here? Is there a Warbler practice I didn't know about?"

Blaine rolled his eyes and moved aside so Kurt would be in Sebastian's line of sight. "This is your roommate, Kurt. Kurt, this is Sebastian. Don't take anything he says to heart."

"You pain me, Anderson."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll let you get situated, Kurt. Maybe you can get my number from Sebastian and text me if he gets to be too much." Blaine briefly put a hand on Kurt's shoulder before leaving to do who knows what. Sebastian already walked back into his room, disinterested in whatever was being said outside the door.

Kurt stepped into the room and shut the door, feeling nervous. He had been kind of excited to meet his new roommate until Blaine made him out to be a not-so-great person.

"That's your side." Sebastian pointed to the empty mattress. "I guess there's some space in the bathroom for your things if you need. And I suppose I can sacrifice a few hangers in the closet."

"Thanks," Kurt mumbled. He went to put his things down and situate himself. "You mentioned something about Warbler practice earlier. That's the glee club, right?"

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