Catching Up ~ Hevans (Glee) Part 3

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My alarm was the first thing I heard in the morning. The second thing I heard was groaning from a certain someone beside me when I couldn't find my phone fast enough. Third - once I stopped the annoying sound of my alarm - I heard Sam's voice, "What time is it?"

"Eight," I said in a voice that made it obvious I had just woken up.

"Why do you have an alarm set for so early?"

"It's not that early. And I like to keep some sort of routine. Waking up at the same time every day helps with that."

Sam just groaned and stuck his face into his pillow.

I chuckled at his childish reaction. "C'mon, you can help me make breakfast."

I know Carole is used to cooking for her and my dad, and she enjoys doing it. But I can't help but fall back into the routine of cooking healthy meals for my dad's sake when I come to visit. Ever since he had his heart attack in my junior year of high school, I worry for him. It became an instinct to try to take care of him when I can. I felt especially relieved that he had Carole around when I was moving to New York - I didn't have to leave him alone.

"Yeah, that really makes me want to get up," he replied.

"I know it does," I quipped, ignoring his obvious sarcasm. I grabbed his arm. "So, get up."

He muttered a complaint that I couldn't quite make out but got out of bed anyway.

I grinned at his reluctant compliance and his messy but cute bedhead.

We went down to the kitchen, where I began to get out the ingredients and materials I needed to make a nice breakfast for the four of us. I asked Sam to get a few things, even though it would've been quicker for me to get them.

"So...are we going to talk about last night?" I asked once I got into the mode of cooking. Sam was mostly just watching from a spot in the corner I deemed as 'out of the way.'

"Yeah, I suppose we should." He seemed shy about the subject, although he definitely wasn't last night.

"You first," I offered. "You were the one to initiate it after all." I glanced his way just in time to see him blush, causing me to smile a little bit.

"Well, I'm a bit scared to say anything 'cause I don't know how you feel about it." I paused what I was doing to look at him. He looked into my eyes as if trying to figure out my thoughts on the matter. "I...enjoyed it."

"So did I." I turned back to the task at hand to hide my flushed face.

"And what do you suppose we do about that?" He shuffled over. He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I don't know," I said quietly.

"Am I interrupting something?" Carole spoke from the doorway, scaring me and Sam. He was quick to move away from me and stand where he was earlier. My stepmother smiled kindly. "It's nice to see you again, Sam."

"Y-yeah, you, too, Carole."

"Your father should be coming down any minute, Kurt. Should I assume he doesn't know about...this?" She gestured between me and Sam.

"Um, well, we're not exactly-" I stopped myself when I saw my dad appear behind Carole. He kissed the top of her head. I hurriedly muttered, "We'll talk about it later."

"Talk about what?" My dad questioned.

"I just needed some fashion advice from Kurt, dear," Carole lied, so I wouldn't have to. We both know I can't exactly lie to my dad without him knowing.

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