Roommates ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 7

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It had been a few days since Kurt and Sebastian's first kiss. They had yet to put a label on what they were. Obviously, they were more than friends but weren't officially boyfriends. The hopeless romantic in Kurt wanted the question asked (by either of them but preferably from Sebastian) before they would consider themselves 'official'. Sebastian knew he wanted to ask Kurt to be his boyfriend but didn't mind just being whatever they were for a little bit.

Seemingly out of nowhere, Sebastian asked Kurt, "Do you want to go get coffee at the Lima Bean?"

Kurt looked up from his notebook. He tried doing some homework but kept getting distracted by Sebastian's antics. He told him to knock it off a few times, knowing Sebastian was doing it on purpose. "Fine. But only because you won't stop bugging me," he accepted with a playful smile.

They left shortly after and soon got to the cafe. They stood in line, ordered, and got their drinks before sitting across from each other at a small, round table.

They had been there for some time, slowly sipping their coffee and talking about anything and everything.

People had been in and out since the pair got there, so hearing the chime on the door didn't faze them. That meant that Kurt hadn't seen a couple of his McKinley friends enter.

"Kurt!" Rachel called out, briefly getting the attention of about half of the patrons. He looked up and saw the small group before facepalming at his loud-mouthed friend. He heard Sebastian chuckle at the interaction, suddenly excited to meet Kurt's other friends.

The New Directions' members there consisted of Rachel, Finn, Mercedes, and Sam. The four of them stopped in front of Kurt, wondering who the boy sitting across from him was.

"Hey, guys. This is Sebastian." Kurt introduced everyone, pointing to each of his friends, "Seb, this is Rachel, Finn, Mercedes, and Sam."

They all said hi before pulling up some chairs to sit with the Dalton boys. Kurt quickly noticed the looks he was getting from the New Directions. "We're just friends."

Sebastian gave Kurt an odd look and the latter brushed it off, knowing he'd explain later. Although, there wasn't much to explain. Kurt just didn't want to hear all of the questions he knew his friends would ask, especially with Sebastian there. He would likely tell them when he wasn't around, not wanting to get embarrassed.

Kurt wasn't sure if his friends were completely convinced, but either way, they dropped it.

"So how'd you two meet, white boy?" Mercedes asked the first question. Kurt knew it would be the first of many between her and Rachel.

He glanced at Sebastian and answered, "He's a Warbler." Kurt debated telling them that they were roommates but decided against it if he were to tell them they were more than just friends. He didn't need to hear Finn threaten Sebastian about treating his 'little bro' right. Despite Kurt being older, Finn liked to call him that because Finn was taller than Kurt.

Some more questions were asked and answered before Sam noted that they came for a double date of sorts, "which somehow became a triple date by the looks of it," he muttered at the end, sensing that Kurt and Sebastian were more than friends. Kurt glared at him, although it seemed like he was the only one who heard the blond.

Sam laughed while the McKinley students headed to another table on the other side of the establishment.

"Well, don't you have some things to explain?" Sebastian said with a teasing grin.

"Yeah, yeah." Kurt rolled his eyes. "Just friends because they would've asked a lot more questions that I did not want to hear...especially with you around." Sebastian gave a questioning look that Kurt ignored. "And it wasn't like it was a complete lie because we're not technically dating. But I do plan on telling them about us eventually, so I figured I would keep them in the dark about the roommates' thing for now. And just know that when they find out, Finn will give you a lecture."

"Ah, he's the stepbrother."

"That's all you got from that?"

"No, but now I know who to hide from," he joked. "Your friends are...interesting."

"That's one way to put it. The others might be clueless, but Sam definitely knows something is going on...for some reason."

"Will he tell the others?"

"I doubt it."

Sebastian nodded, and they continued to talk about Kurt's friends, including the ones the Dalton boy had yet to meet.

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