Duets ~ Hevans (Glee) Part 1

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Okay, so quick author's note: I know this isn't a canon ship. But in my mind, Sam is definitely bi. And I think it would have been fun if the writers let Sam and Kurt date for a bit after the whole Duets thing. So with that said, this is basically what I wished could've happened...since I can't seem to find something like this already written by someone else.

Also, I wrote this with the intention of it being a one shot, and it wound up being longer than I expected. Buuut, I'm still posting it here, so I'm going to separate it into two parts...hopefully it's enjoyable whether you know the show or not *cough cough*

Mr. Schuester came into glee club late and told the students that Puckerman got put in juvie after stealing an ATM machine. He explained that the situation should not be seen as a crisis but as an opportunity. He went on to present the New Directions' newest member - Sam Evans.

A cute boy with blond Bieber hair jogged into the room. He introduced himself, "Hey, everybody. Uh, I'm Sam. Sam, I am. And I don't like green eggs and ham."

"Oh, wow. He has no game," Santana commented after a brief awkward silence.

"Okay! This is gonna be great," Finn pitched in, trying to cut the tension in the room. "You're not gonna regret joining, Sam." He stood up to lead the new kid to a chair next to his and sat down once again.

Mr. Schue then got into explaining the assignment for the week. He started by asking, "What's a duet?"

"A blanket," Brittany said with confidence. Finn smiled and slightly nodded his head in agreement.

"A duet," Mr. Schue ignored the answer and gave his own definition, "is when two voices join to become one. Great duets are like a great marriage - the singers compliment each other, push each other to be better..."

As their teacher droned on, Kurt nudged Mercedes to get her attention. "Psst, he's on team gay." Kurt gestured to the new kid sitting in front of them. "No straight boy dyes his hair to look like Linda Evangelista circa 1993."

"You're crazy circa 2010," Mercedes responded before they both returned their attention to Mr. Schuester.

"...And that's what duets are all about." He goes on to tell the club that their assignment is to pair up to sing a duet. To make things interesting, he decided to make it a competition, where the winners would get a free meal for two at Breadstix. The club members were excited about the prize and began thinking about what they would do for their duets.

Sometime after glee club, Kurt saw Sam in the hallway and figured it was time to properly introduce himself. Sam was putting some books in his locker when Kurt approached him and stuck his hand out, "Hi, I'm Kurt Hummel."

Sam shook his hand and said, "Hey."

"I just wanted to personally welcome you to the glee club."

"Thanks." Sam shut his locker but continued to stand in place.

"Just tell me." Sam seemed confused, so Kurt took a step forward and went on, "Look, maybe at your old school you could get away with the whole 'I just stayed in the sun all summer' excuse, but I have three gifts: my voice, my ability to spot trends in men's fashion, and my ability to know when it comes from a bottle," he finished, glancing at Sam's hair.

"I don't dye my hair, dude," Sam denied.

"Yes, you do." Kurt didn't believe the new guy for a second. "But it's just between friends. That's not natural."

"I'm gonna go 'cause you're kind of freaking me out." Sam started to walk down the hallway.

Kurt followed and tried to get on Sam's good side. "Wait, maybe my instincts were a little off. Let me make it up to you. Team up with me for the duet competition. Listen, unless you team up with Rachel, I'm your best bet at winning."

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