Billionaire ~ Hevans (Glee)

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As I walked down the hallway on my way to my free period, I heard a voice coming from the choir room. No one else seemed to notice, likely due to the fact that everyone at this school hates the glee club (unless we're providing entertainment at some event).

Knowing we needed new people to join to have enough members to compete, I stopped by the door and continued to listen. I looked into the room to hopefully get a glance of someone to pair with the unfamiliar voice.

But he wasn't alone.

He was surrounded by the rest of the glee guys. Finn sat behind the drum set, no doubt waiting for his cue to join in. Puck played guitar alongside the new kid. Mike, as per usual, got into the song and started dancing around the others. And soon enough, Artie began rapping the verse of "Billionaire."

They sounded good together, and it looked like they were all enjoying the performance. I couldn't help but feel frustrated, though. Why wasn't I invited to the new kid's audition? Despite what they all seem to think, I'm as much of a boy as they are. And if I asked about it, they couldn't even use the excuse that they're doing something I'm not interested in. So how come they still seem to exclude me from the group?

I must have been standing in the doorway for longer than I thought because when I came back to reality, the new kid and I were making eye contact even though the song wasn't over. Before anyone else in the room saw what he was looking at, I scurried down the hallway to my original planned destination of the library.


Not really wanting to deal with anyone at the moment, I claimed a chair in the back of the choir room for glee club today. I was curious about the boy singing earlier but was also still annoyed by the rest of the guys in glee. Maybe I'd bring it up to Finn later since I'm closest to him. And even then, there's still a bit of a barrier between us that I'm hoping will go away in time, so we can just be normal (step) brothers like we'll inevitably become.

Keeping my head down and pretending to look at something on my phone, I avoided everyone's gazes as they came in. Eventually, Mr. Schue showed up after we all sat down, and I put my phone away.

He introduced a new member to the club - Sam Evans. In walked the (obviously dyed) blond-haired boy that was singing in here earlier. He stood next to our teacher for a moment as everyone stared and judged. Although, he only seemed to be focused on one thing...or person rather. And I couldn't help but stare right back. Santana made an unnecessary comment (as she does) about his appearance before Finn patted the empty seat next to him. Sam took advantage and sat down, but not before glancing my way one last time.

Mr. Schue delved into this week's lesson. But I was having trouble listening to the man because my mind was too busy thinking about the new kid - Sam. Neither of us has said a word to the other, yet I can't help but feel drawn to him in some way. And I have no idea what to do about that.

I sat through the rest of glee half-listening to what was going on and sort of staring at the back of Sam's head. I tried not to, as I didn't want him to feel someone's eyes on him and turn around to see that I was being a creep. But my eyes kept going back to him. I couldn't wait for the period to end, so I could get away from him - out of sight, out of mind. Although, I don't think that's the case here, considering he's been on my mind since I heard him this morning.

I vaguely heard the bell ring and took my time leaving my seat to avoid conversation. I picked up my satchel and made my way toward the door. But someone stood in my way, forcing me to stop so I wouldn't bump into them. Looking up, I saw Sam, who was only an inch or two taller than me.

"Hey," he started.

"Hi," I breathed out, having trouble thinking straight with his pretty eyes boring into mine.

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