On My Sleeve

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Mikey was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. It was common for him to hide in the corner when he got overwhelmed by his surroundings. His head was down, trying to avoid any attention.

Ethan wasn't going to let his best friend curl up in the corner, though. Upon noticing Mikey on the floor, Ethan joined him. He sat on the floor next to Mike and wrapped his arm around his friend's shoulders.

"What's going on, buddy?" He asked quietly, as if someone else would be able to hear him if he spoke any louder. They were in a crowded room full of people and many conversations; no one was paying attention to the two boys in the corner.

Mike shook his head minutely. Ethan knew his friend well enough by now. That specific shake of his head meant that he was gathering his thoughts. Ethan looked away from Mikey–staring straight ahead–because he knew that staring sometimes made Mike more flustered.

"I'm just- sensory overload, I guess. And if I go back to the dorm now, I won't leave to go to my class."

"Why not find a quieter or emptier room?" Ethan kept his voice soft.

"No noise is worse, and I forgot my headphones."

Ethan nodded in understanding. Mikey had a habit of overthinking, and noise helped block that out to some degree. He practically lived by the notion that "quiet is violent."

"Well. what's going on in that head of yours that's got you all worked up?"

Mikey mumbled through his response, "Spring break is coming up. I don't know how to get out of going home."

The hand that was still on Mikey's shoulder squeezed a little in what was meant to be a comforting gesture. "Tell them your professors gave you a lot of work and need to really focus to get it all done."

"They're not going to believe any excuse I give them. I've done it too many times. And last time they-" he cut himself off. "Anyway."

"Stay with me," Ethan suggested. "My parents met you enough times to be comfortable having you over."

Mike groaned. "Dude, I would love that."

"Well, the offer's there. Just let me know like at least a day before break, so I can warn my parents."

"Yeah, okay. Thanks, man."

"Course. You should be able to enjoy your time off."

Mikey laughed dryly.

They sat in silence for a moment before Ethan stood up slowly with a groan. He held a hand out to Mikey. "Alright, c'mon. Let's get to class."

Mikey sighed but took the offered hand and got up off the floor. He picked up his bag that was next to him, and the two of them began walking to class like responsible students.

The pair walked across campus in comfortable silence. Mikey didn't like the quiet, but it usually didn't feel as bad when he was in Ethan's presence.

They made it to the building, and Mikey stopped his friend outside of the classroom. "Thank you." He looked down at his shoes.

Ethan shrugged; he wasn't always good at accepting praise. "What are friends for?"

With that, he walked into the classroom, and Mikey followed close behind.

A/N: Title and quote is from Car Radio by Twenty One Pilots because it's one of my favorite TØP songs, and I thought it fit Mikey's character.

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