Last Minute Plans (2)

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A/N: So this is a prequel to my one-shot Best Friends. This one (Last Minute Plans) takes place before the party they were at in the other one. For context (if you didn't read the first one/need a refresher because I know I did), Riley and Julian are best friends. Riley likes Julian as more than a friend but doesn't know if Julian feels the same way. So enjoy this drabble.

"Come on, I can't go to the party alone," Julian tried to convince me to join him. I'd like to think that he just wants his best friend's company, but I'm not that naive. He just wants a designated driver because he knows I wouldn't drink.

"You'll have plenty of friends there."

"Yeah, but none of them are you." Apparently, he's trying to make me fall deeper in love with him. And he doesn't even know it.

"You just want a designated driver," I voiced my thoughts.

"That's not the only reason, Riles."

"But it's one of them. And probably the main one." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Would it help if I said please?"

Taking a step closer in defiance, I said, "No."

"What do I have to do to convince you?"

"What are you willing to do?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Whatever you want."

"Oh, really?" Because what I want is to kiss you until you forget about the party and spend the night here with me. Instead of telling him that, I pretended to think through the possibilities, then spoke, "You don't have to do anything. I was going to say yes anyway."

He shook his head with an amused smile. "Good. Because we have to get ready, well, you do. I came prepared."

Ah, yes. He was so confident in getting me to bring him to the party that he showed up at my house unannounced with every intention of going. And dammit, he was right.

"Are you saying I can't go like this?" I asked jokingly, knowing I'd never go to a party in my ratty, old clothes that are way too comfortable to get rid of.

He gave me a look. "Really, Riles?"

"I'm joking. I'll be ready in fifteen minutes. Make yourself comfy downstairs."

"I'm holding you to that. If you're not done in that time, I'm coming back up here."

"Just go." I lightly pushed him towards the door and promptly shut it behind him. I heard him laugh from the other side and walked over to my dresser to pick out an outfit.

Julian is lucky I love him. Forgetting my stupid crush, I'm only going because he's my best friend, and I want him to stay safe. And if that means driving him to and from the party, then so be it.

I quickly got dressed before doing my hair and makeup in the bathroom. Once I finished, I made sure I got all my necessities and went downstairs. Getting to the living room, I came face-to-face with Julian.

"I was about to come up to check on you."

"I told you I'd be fifteen minutes. Have you no faith in me?" I teased.

He held his hands up by his head. "Sometimes you take awhile."

"Whatever. Are you ready?"


We left the house. Julian made his way to my car as I locked the front door.

"Thanks for agreeing to come," Julian spoke over the radio once I started driving.

"Well, you wouldn't have taken no for an answer, so I didn't really have a choice."

"I wouldn't have forced you if you really didn't want to go," he said in a softer tone that made me want to melt into a puddle.

"I know. But I don't mind. Your friends...don't hate me."

"I think they like when you put me in my place." We both laughed at the truth of the statement.

"Sometimes, you deserve it."

"Yeah, yeah. But honestly, they do like you. I hope you know that."

I didn't respond. Part of me wants to believe that they don't mind having me around. But I'm not by any means close to any of them. Sometimes, I wonder if I should make more of an effort to get to know them. I think they might be afraid to approach me because they know I'm Julian's friend. But that's who I am–Julian's friend. He's the popular one. I'm just the shy friend, which I don't mind; I'm not as outgoing.

"You alright?" The question broke me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Are you sure? 'Cause you kind of just went on autopilot for a bit."

"Just sort of zoned out, I guess." I have a habit of doing that while I'm driving. I'll be in the middle of my commute and the next thing I know, I'm parking my car in the driveway.

"You know, that's probably like really bad?"

"Like you said, autopilot. It's never steered me wrong...pun intended." I saw Julian facepalm in my peripheral vision and grinned. "If you're so concerned about the way I drive, then you can drive yourself next time."

"Alright," he resigned. "Point taken. I'll behave."

I turned the radio up and stayed focused on the road for the rest of the drive, although I kept asking myself why I agreed to go to the party.

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