Roommates ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 8

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A/N: I just wanted to mention that I didn't write this until last night and today because I had sort of only just realized that I didn't write out a scene for this little event but thought that maybe I should. Sooo here you go :)

As per usual, Kurt and Sebastian were spending their down time in their dorm room together. They had some time before Warbler practice, and they made sure to use that time wisely.

Kurt was doing his hair - trying to make it look just right - when Sebastian appeared in front of him and ran his hands through the shorter boy's hair. Kurt glared at him for ruining all he had done, but that look faded fast when he noticed how his roommate was looking at him. The glare turned into a smirk, and Kurt teased in a quiet voice, "You like what you see, Smythe?"

He nodded and began to kiss Kurt, who was quick to melt into the kiss. Kurt had been unsure about the whole kissing thing at first. Considering his first kiss/make out session was with a girl he didn't have romantic feelings for and his second was forced and one he did not return, he started to wonder if kissing was really all that great. But then, he kissed Sebastian for the first time, and he understood why people enjoyed the feeling so much. Now, he doesn't know how he ever could have thought that kissing was overrated.

Sebastian eventually pulled away from the kiss. Kurt wasn't too keen on that and tried to lean back in. But Sebastian stopped him and said in a hushed tone, "Hey, Kurt."

"Yeah?" Kurt responded just as quietly, as if someone would be able to hear if they spoke any louder.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

Kurt glanced around and smiled playfully. "Hm, I don't know. I might have to think about that." His eyes settled on the boy in front of him, and his teasing grin turned into a genuine one. "Yes, of course I do."

Sebastian quickly moved to hold Kurt's face in his hands and kissed him again, wordlessly expressing his joy. Kurt reacted immediately and smiled into the kiss.

Both needing air, they pulled away and looked at each other.

"If someone told me when we met that you would become my boyfriend, I would've laughed in their face," Kurt told Sebastian.

The taller boy chuckled and confessed, "Not to sound super cheesy, but there was something I liked about you from the moment I saw you."

"No offense, but I did not feel the same. And I can't say I appreciated your elementary tactics of showing your feelings towards me."

"Oh, what ever do you mean?" Sebastian feigned innocence.

"You were so annoying, Seb." The boy glared at Kurt but had no trace of anger in his eyes. "Well, you still are, but now I know how to deal with you." Kurt smiled fondly at his boyfriend.

Sebastian lightly hit Kurt's arm but knew that the latter was right. He was a bit of a pain in the ass for awhile. It was fun for him to see Kurt get riled up, though, because he had no problem returning his words with something equally as rude or sassy. And over time, as the two learned more about each other, the venom in their insults was replaced with a lighter tone and turned into playful banter.

So, while they still go back and forth and make fun of each other on occasion, they now do so affectionately. Of course, their friends had picked up on the change and relentlessly brought it to the pair's attention.

"Well, you could be just as annoying, Hummel."

"Yes, but that's what you liked about least, that's what you said at the Lima Bean the other day."

Sebastian blushed. He had mentioned to Kurt that he enjoyed a challenge. The latter boy quickly realized the implications of those words and couldn't help but tease Sebastian about it. "Whatever," he mumbled, feeling a bit shy.

"You're cute when you're embarrassed," Kurt admitted.

"Only when I'm embarrassed?" Sebastian pretended to be offended.

"Yeah," Kurt paused. "'Cause you're pretty hot at other times."

"Oh," Sebastian was surprised by the compliment and felt his face flush again. "Is that so?"

"Mhm," Kurt responded noncommittally and looked down to his boyfriend's lips. He gave him a quick peck before looking at Sebastian's eyes again and smiling.

"Well," Sebastian practically whispered, noticing how close they had been standing the whole time. "I could say the same about you, Hummel."

Kurt couldn't seem to keep a smile off his face. But one of them had to end the intimate moment, so they didn't stay there all day, despite both of them being more than okay with doing so. "We should probably get ready for practice before Thad decides to just come up here and get us."

Sebastian laughed at his boyfriend's words. Thad is always making comments about the two of them, and they're convinced that he'll just try to barge into their room one day to see if there's something going on. They keep giving the same excuses as to why they show up slightly late to practice together sometimes. Kurt claims that it takes time to get his hair just right or one of them took longer in the bathroom than usual or they got out of bed late. The other Warblers seem to assume that they're up to something, but Thad is usually the one to vocalize it.

"That boy is going to be the death of me." Sebastian shook his head, thinking about his crazy friend.

Kurt and Sebastian separated, and both immediately missed the close contact.

They finished getting ready and headed for the door. Kurt had a sudden urge to hold Sebastian's hand, so he did. The action seemed to surprise the taller boy, but it made him smile. He squeezed Kurt's hand before letting go and opening the door.

The two of them weren't quite ready to tell their friends. They didn't want to keep their relationship a secret, but they liked the privacy of only them knowing and didn't quite want to deal with their friends' comments yet. So for now, their relationship would be known just to them. But they'd tell their friends eventually.

With both Kurt and Sebastian in good moods from officially becoming boyfriends, they walked down to the commons for Warbler practice.

"Oh, good. You guys showed up," David said when the couple walked in. "Thad was about ready to go get you."

Kurt and Sebastian laughed, knowing Thad would do exactly what they thought he would.

"We might've been on time if this one," Kurt gestured to Sebastian, "didn't decide to mess up my hair before leaving." He didn't even have to lie this time...just omit the rest of what had happened.

Some of the Warblers laughed, while others raised their eyebrows and gave suggestive looks.

"But now, we're here and no one had to come check on us," Sebastian tried to get the group back on track in an attempt to get the attention off of him and Kurt.

"Right. Let's start this meeting," Wes said before hitting his gavel on his desk to get down to business.

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