Catching Up ~ Hevans (Glee) Part 4

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"I should probably get going. I don't want to overstay my welcome." Sam slowly got up from his seat at the table.

"Come visit, Sam. Don't be a stranger," my dad told him.

Carole nodded her head in agreement. "You're always welcome here."

"Thanks, guys. It was good to see you again."

I stood and followed him out of the room. We went back into my room, so he could gather his clothes from yesterday. Sam seemed to hesitate before speaking, "Do you have any plans today?"

"Not that I know of."

"Do you want to go out and do something?"

I thought for a moment. I was hoping to see some friends while I was here, so how could I refuse? "Sure. You have anything in mind?"

"Not really," he shyly admitted. "But we can figure something out."

I nodded. "I have to change and get ready. I don't know what you want to wear, but anything you left is in that drawer." I pointed to the one I found his clothes in last night.

"Thanks," he said and went to look.

I opened my closet to find my own outfit to wear. The hangers were full of shirts and pants I mostly wore during high school. While I still like my fashion sense from back then, I've started wearing less flashy and simpler outfits that still looked good. I wound up with a patterned button-down shirt and a dark pair of skinny jeans.

Leaving my room, I went to the bathroom to change, do my hair, and do everything else that's done in the bathroom. Assuming Sam would be ready, I entered my room once again. He sat on the edge of my bed in a regular pair of jeans with a t-shirt mostly hidden by a zip-up hoodie.

"Cute," I commented, making Sam look up from his phone and blush. "Reminds me of that time you were in that one-man band."

"Ah," he laughed. "The Justin Bieber Experience."

"That was not your finest moment."

"Speak for yourself, dude. The girls loved it, and the guys wanted in."

I smiled and put my hands up in surrender. "Whatever. It's just a good thing your hair has changed since then." He chuckled. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, I just have to use the bathroom quick."

I nodded. "I'll be downstairs."

We left my room and went in opposite directions. My dad was sitting on the couch, watching the news.

I walked over to the side of the couch. "I'm going to hang out with Sam."

"Where are you going?"

"Out." He gave me a look, so I said, "We're not sure where yet."

"Do you know when you'll be home?"

I shook my head. "I'll text you."

"Alright." I saw Sam come downstairs. "Have fun, kiddo."

"Thanks, dad."

I made sure I had my phone and wallet before following Sam out the front door to his car. Sam began to drive without saying a word. Maybe he thought of a place to go. I didn't question it and let myself be surprised.

We were only on the road for a few minutes before he pulled into the parking lot of the Lima Bean. "I kind of wanted another cup of coffee," he said sheepishly.

I nodded in understanding and followed him into the coffee shop. Once we got to the front of the line, Sam ordered for both of us. I gave him a confused look when he recited my coffee order, which morphed into one of annoyance when he wouldn't let me pay for my drink.

"I told you I learned a lot about you from Blaine," he said as we stepped out of the way to wait for our drinks.

"Right," I dragged out the word, wondering just how much my ex told the boy in front of me.

We got our coffee and left the cafe. But before we made it back to Sam's car, he mentioned the park that was down the street and suggested we walk there. I agreed, so to the park, we went.

The two of us walked leisurely in silence until Sam asked a question, "Do you ever wonder how things would have turned out if just one thing had been different?"

"Like if we had sung that duet together?"

"Yeah." He chuckled. "Exactly like that."

My mind went back to that time. "I wonder if Finn and Rachel would have been as determined as they were to let you win." Sam seemed confused, so I elaborated, "Their offensive performance. Their bad acting when they found out they lost to you and Quinn."

I saw the recognition cross his features. "That explains a lot."

It was my turn to laugh. "I remember Finn told me about that a while after it happened as if I didn't already know they set that up. We were reminiscing one day after we graduated and telling each other old stories from glee club. He said they came up with the plan as a way to boost your confidence or something, so you would stay in glee...We were desperate for members."

"I think I would've stayed either way. But I guess I was grateful for the dinner with Quinn, despite all of her insisting that it wasn't a date until that night when we actually had a decent conversation." He paused, thinking back to that point in time. "Oh! And then, she made me pay for what should've been a free dinner - her reasoning being that a gentleman always pays on the first date."

I rolled my eyes with a small smile. "Sounds like Quinn."

"You know," Sam spoke after a moment of silence, casually taking my hand in his. "If we sang together, I wouldn't have had the pleasure of watching you perform Le Jazz Hot. And it was kind of hot."

"You flatter me."

He noticed the blush on my cheeks but decided not to comment on it. "I don't think I knew how I actually felt about that performance then. But now, I realize why I enjoyed it so much." I looked his way to see a cheeky smile on his face.

"Well, eleventh grade Kurt would've loved to hear that."

"Are you saying the Kurt I'm talking to now wouldn't?"

"No," I mumbled, slightly swinging our hands. "That's not what I'm saying."


We didn't say much after that. We continued mindlessly walking around the park hand-in-hand, simply enjoying being with each other on the nice day.

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