Coaches (1)

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"So who wants to go first?" Cameron asked after explaining how to do a pullover with funny accents and impressions.

Quinn just looked on in admiration from the next bar over. She couldn't help but watch in awe while he worked. The kids were always so excited for him to be their coach, as proven by all of their little hands immediately shooting up in hopes of going first.

Cameron picked a little girl at random, causing her to cheer as she stood up. Stepping up to the lower bar, she reached up to grab it. She was a bit too short to reach on her own, so Cameron lifted her up. He reminded her of what she was supposed to do and spotted her.

Once she completed the skill, he helped her down. She rushed over to the second bar, where Quinn had been waiting. They went through the process again. Quinn then instructed the little girl to do conditioning before going back to her seat in front of the first bar.

This cycle repeated until all of the girls in the group went. They went through one more skill before their time for the event was up. Quinn told the group to stand up and follow in a line behind her. She brought them to their next event for the day—vault. When she got back to the uneven bars, the next group was already sitting eagerly.

Quinn was assigned to be an assistant on bars today. She usually prefers to teach as opposed to simply helping someone else, but she tended not to mind as much when it was Cameron teaching. He always made it fun for the young gymnasts, and they usually listened to him more than any of the other coaches, which Quinn appreciated. Classes ran smoother when Cameron was coaching.

"Okay." Cameron clapped his hands together and dove straight into teaching. The lessons differ slightly depending on the age group, but they're all relatively simple since they are all younger students. The older, higher levels have practice at a different time. Quinn likes observing Cameron's coaching during those times as well. With the little ones, he acts like a dork and does goofy voices to keep them engaged. But in coaching the others, she gets to watch him spot the students on more complicated skills and show off just how strong he is. Yes, Quinn can spot some of the older girls, too, but Cameron always manages to do so with ease.

"Q?" Cameron took the girl out of her thoughts. "Can you get an ice pack? Lindsey banged her knee."

"Oh, yeah, sure." She walked briskly to the mini fridge and grabbed an ice pack. Stopping in the bathroom, she took a paper towel and wrapped it around the cold bag. Quinn put the ice pack against the little girl's knee and told her to hold it there.

When she took her place back at the second bar, there was already a student waiting.

"Thanks, Q," Cameron said quickly as she started spotting the younger girl in front of her.

"Of course," she replied with a small smile.

"Coach Quinn," Jessica spoke while holding herself up on the bar while her hips rested on it. "Is Coach Cameron your boyfriend?"

"No," Quinn chuckled softly. "He's not my boyfriend. Now, three casts and release."

Jessica did as she was told and landed on her feet. "Then, why does he have a nickname for you? He's the only one who calls you that."

"Because we're friends, and friends have nicknames for each other. Go do your pushups."

"Does that mean you have a nickname for him?"

"Yes, I do," Quinn figured answering her questions would make the conversation end quicker, and they could both do what they had to do.

Jessica giggled. "You two should date."

Done with giving into the little girl's antics, Quinn simply said, "Go do your pushups, Jess."

"Fine." She huffed but listened.

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