Parent-Teacher Conference

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"I'm so sorry about whatever my son did. I thought I raised him better than that," Millie said to her son's teacher as she rushed into the classroom.

"No, no," Ms. Daniels began. "Calvin hasn't done anything bad. I'm concerned about him is all. He's a smart boy, good student. But lately, he's been quiet and stoic, not really talking to anyone."

Millie nodded slightly. "Yeah, he, um, lost his father recently."

The teacher's eyes widened slightly. "Oh, I'm so sorry," she said sincerely.

"Thanks." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"If you or Calvin need anything, let me know. If there's some sort of accommodation that'll help..."

"Oh, thank you. We're just, we're trying to cope, you know? It's hard."

"Yes, I can only imagine," Ms. Daniels was sympathetic. "I do mean it, though. I do my best to make this room a safe space. If Calvin wants to talk, I want him to feel comfortable. And if you need to get anything off your chest, I'm here...or I can refer you to a colleague if that's a path you'd want to explore."

Millie felt herself tear up and did her best to keep them from falling. This was not the time.

"I really appreciate it. Thank you," she tried to convey how much the offer meant to her. "That's the nicest thing I've heard since..."

Ms. Daniels placed a gentle hand on Millie's, which were sitting atop the desk that separated them. "I'm sorry to hear that. More people need to learn basic human decency."

"Yeah," Millie agreed half-heartedly as a tear slipped out. She pulled one hand away to wipe it away as quick as possible. "I'll talk to Calvin—let him know talking helps."

Ms. Daniels nodded. "Thank you for coming in. I know you must be busy because who isn't these days?"

That got a small chuckle out of Millie, making Ms. Daniels smile in return.

"You got that right." Then, to her son, Millie said, "Ready to go, Cal?"

He looked up from the building blocks in front of him and nodded subtly.

"C'mon, bud."

Calvin and his mom stood up, and Millie held out a hand to him. He was quick to latch on once he got close enough.

"Say goodbye to Ms. Daniels."

"Bye, Ms. Daniels," he mumbled.

"Remember to speak loud enough, so people can hear you, bud," she chided gently, more as a reminder than trying to make him repeat himself. She looked up, making eye contact with Calvin's teacher. "Thank you, Ms. Daniels. We'll see you tomorrow."

"Of course." She smiled. "See you tomorrow. Bye, Calvin. Behave for your mother."

His head bobbed up and down, agreeing to do so as if it was a homework assignment.

Mille and Calvin left the classroom. They stayed quiet as they walked through the empty hallway. Once they were outside, Mille pointed out her car to Calvin. She helped him climb into the backseat and made sure he was buckled in properly before getting into the driver's seat.

Starting the car, Millie thought about the conversation she would have with her son about sharing his feelings and getting things off his chest. She didn't want him to bottle his emotions up. Millie knows she's done that too many times herself throughout the years, and it never ended well. And while Calvin was her top priority, she would try to follow her own advice.

They would get through this. It may be a long and difficult process, but they'd manage.

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