Paying Attention ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 1

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A/N: So I wasn't sure if I should leave this as Kurtbastian or use OC's but clearly we see what I decided on. I was debating because this is pretty AU. In this, Sebastian also attends McKinley and always has (thus a different meeting), and he and Kurt are in the same grade. I'm not sure if I'll write more for this, but the main reason I debated on making it Kurtbastian or not is that Burt Hummel in this AU (who isn't actually in this one shot) is nothing like canon Burt. So, uh, enjoy, I guess.

Kurt was walking around the neighborhood after school, not ready to step into his house and deal with all that. His thoughts had been running rampant all day, and he couldn't take it anymore. He knew sitting with and listening to his friends at lunch wouldn't help, so he spent the period in the library. He put his earbuds in and turned the volume all the way up in hopes of drowning out everything else.

Now, knowing that the music will not stop him from thinking and deciding he wasn't in the mood to get mugged or something of the like, he forwent the music and walked in silence. Well, as silent as his brain could get, which wound up to be not so silent.

He got to a point in the road where he needed to cross, even though there was no crosswalk. He looked both ways before stepping forward. A car approached. He stopped and shut his eyes, waiting for the impact. When a few seconds passed and nothing happened, he opened his eyes and looked to his left. The car came to a halt and was mere inches away from him. He sighed and wasn't sure if it was out of relief or disappointment.

Kurt turned around to go back to the side of the road. He crouched down, closed his eyes, and rested his head in his hands.

He was unaware of anything going on around him, which meant that he didn't hear the person pull over and get out of the car until they spoke from beside him, "Kurt?"

He stayed still, not wanting to deal with anything in the real world right now. Why couldn't they have just gone on with their day and driven away? He thought.

The driver said his name again. At Kurt's continued silence, they said his name a third time.

Realizing that they wouldn't get a response, they crouched in front of Kurt to be at eye-level and gently removed his hands from his face. Kurt reluctantly opened his eyes and saw one of his classmates in front of him. Of course, it had to be someone I know.

"Kurt," Sebastian practically whispered, not moving from his position.

Kurt's resolve broke a bit, and he started mumbling, "Oh, my god. I'm sorry. I-I wasn't paying attention. I-"

Sebastian stopped him. "Kurt, I saw what happened. I saw you look."

"I-I didn't...I wasn't..." Kurt stuttered, trying to come up with an excuse, but he knew it was no use.

"It's okay, Kurt." Sebastian took advantage of the fact that he still had Kurt's hands in his and helped him stand up. He numbly accepted the help, unable to fight against it at the moment.

Sebastian finally let go, only to wrap his arms around Kurt's neck in an attempt to comfort the boy. Kurt stood there, unmoving. Sebastian tightened his grip slightly, and Kurt slowly brought his arms around Sebastian's waist. He rested his forehead against Sebastian's shoulder and let out silent tears. Soon enough, he let out a sob, and they kept coming. He started shaking, and Sebastian just held on tighter and whispered reassurances in the other boy's ear.

Neither sure about how much time had passed, they both felt Kurt slowly calm down. Once he stopped visibly shaking, Kurt let go. The hug ended, but Sebastian stayed close.

"I'm sorry," Kurt said quietly in a raspy voice. "We barely even know each other and I just- sorry."

"Hey, that doesn't matter. You don't have to apologize. Do you know how devastated I would've been if something happened?" Kurt and Sebastian weren't close. They have some classes together and have muttered polite hello's in passing, but they weren't quite friends. Acquaintances, maybe. It wasn't for any particular reason. They just tended to run in different social circles—Sebastian with his lacrosse friends, and Kurt with his glee club friends.


"Yeah, I know we don't really talk, but I don't think you realize how entertaining you are in class. All your smart ass comments really help pass the time."

A small smile appeared on Kurt's face. "I didn't realize anyone actually heard those."

"Well, now, you know. And they are very much appreciated."

"Not by the teachers," Kurt pointed out.

Sebastian shrugged. "Them getting annoyed is part of the fun sometimes."

"Until you're the one getting threatened with detention."

Kurt and Sebastian both went quiet, the brief, light-hearted mood dissipating.

"Do you need a ride home?" Sebastian asked quietly.

"No," Kurt answered a little too quickly.

"Where were you headed then?"

"Nowhere...I was just...walking around."

"Well, where do you want to go?"


"Kurt, I'm not going to let you just wander around again."

"I-I'm fine, Sebastian."

"Kurt." Sebastian deadpanned, his expression silently saying, "Really?"

"Sebastian," the other boy breathed out.

"I can take you to my house. Or we can get something to eat...or just doing something that isn't me leaving you alone to your own devices."

Kurt looked down, suddenly feeling embarrassed. "I'm not a little kid," he mumbled. "I can take care of myself."

"You can, but you're not. And that's the problem here."

"Whatever." Kurt shrugged.

"C'mon." Sebastian grabbed one of Kurt's hands and led him to the passenger's seat. Kurt reluctantly got in the car, feeling resigned.

Seeing that Kurt wouldn't try to run away, Sebastian made his way to the driver's side before getting in and starting the car.

"So where do you want to go?"

"I don't really want to be in public where someone could recognize me."

"We can go to my house."

"Your parents won't mind?" Kurt asked, unsure.

"Nope," Sebastian said simply.

"Okay," Kurt replied, putting his seatbelt on.

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