Selectively Mute ~ Klaine (Glee)

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Ever since the whole Karofsky incident (which consisted of me getting bullied by a homophobe, who I found out was also gay when he kissed me against my will and later threatened to kill me if I told anyone), I've had trouble speaking. I can converse with my dad without a problem. And it only took a few days for me to feel comfortable enough to talk to Carole and Finn, my stepmom and stepbrother, again.

It was hard being around the other New Directions' members for the first couple of weeks after it happened. As much as I may have wanted to, something would stop me from being able to have a normal conversation with any of them. I also stopped seeing them every day since I transferred to Dalton Academy - an all-boys school with a zero-tolerance harassment policy. That may have contributed to the amount of time it took to say anything to them. They were all ecstatic when I finally started talking to them again.

As for the people at Dalton, well, it was way harder and took way longer to feel comfortable enough to say anything. I suppose it was easier to open up to the people I already knew for quite some time. Although, I don't think my new classmates seemed to mind too much. Despite my silence, I've managed to befriend a group of Warblers - Dalton's glee club - probably due to the fact that my roommate, Jeff, is a member.

Jeff has been very welcoming and understanding. He was quick to introduce me to his friends, who somehow also became my friends. Even though there isn't much for me to contribute, he always manages to make me feel included, and I'm grateful that I could have a roommate and friend like him.

He became the first person I said anything to at Dalton, at least a month after I transferred. Since Karofsky, I've found it rather difficult to trust people, even though he never lured me into a false sense of security - he was a dick from the start. But Jeff was always so kind and considerate, it was hard not to trust him, especially since we constantly see each other, sharing a dorm and everything.

When I first said something to him, it wasn't this grand reveal like I sometimes worried it would be. We were in our dorm room, getting ready for Warbler practice. (I wasn't officially a member since I never used my voice, but all of my friends were members and insisted that I could stay for their practices.) We were about to leave the room when I reached out to grab his wrist. I wasn't sure where the bout of confidence came from, but I knew I had to do something about it before it disappeared again. He stopped and turned to face me. I let go of his wrist, looked down, and glanced back up to meet his eyes before saying, "Thank you."

Before that, I had no idea what I was going to say. I just knew I had to say something. I was relieved that I didn't say something completely stupid and make a fool out of myself.

His jaw dropped slightly before it was replaced by a wide smile. He pulled me into a hug that I was quick to reciprocate.

When we let go, he thanked me for trusting him, knowing that I was capable of speaking but had great difficulty with it.

Before leaving our room, I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling a little awkward about what I wanted to say. "Maybe don't mention it to the others. I don't want them to think I don't trust them, you know?"

He nodded. "I understand. I don't think they'd feel bad about it, but I'll let you open up when you feel ready."

I smiled at his response. He always seemed to know how to comfort someone. Nick is lucky to have someone like him.

We finally went to the commons for Warbler practice. The rest were already there and seemingly waiting for us, or Jeff rather, to arrive.

"You're late. Did you get lost?" Thad teased.

Jeff rolled his eyes and went to sit next to his boyfriend, Nick, while I followed like a lost puppy and sat next to my roommate.

"You're in a good mood, Jeffy," Nick said, only for the two of us to hear. He pouted slightly. "Yet I don't think it has anything to do with me."

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