Under The Stars (3)

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A/N: This is part three for Grant and Hannah's story. The first two are 'Formal Events' and 'First Dates'. You don't have to read them first. But it would help with context. So enjoy the fluff because that's all I seem capable of writing lately.

Grant and Hannah went on a couple more dates since their first. Eventually, Grant worked up the courage to ask Hannah to be his girlfriend, to which she happily said yes.

It had been a few weeks since then. Tonight, they went out for dinner at a cozy diner. Afterwards, Grant drove them to an open field that was close to his house.

Once they got there, he grabbed a blanket and two hoodies from his backseat. He carried them out to the grass with Hannah following behind.

He spread the blanket out on the ground and handed his girlfriend one of the hoodies. It was warm during the day, but now that the sun went down, the air became more chilly. Hannah was quick to accept the extra layer and put it on.

It was adorably oversized, and Grant couldn't help but watch the way she snuggled into the soft fabric. She eventually noticed his stare and small smile and asked, "What?"

"Nothing." He shrugged. "You just look cute in my clothes."

Hannah felt herself blush at the compliment. "Well, thank you. Your clothes are comfortable."

She then reached out to grab his hand, and they both sat on the blanket. They scooted in, so their sides were pressed together. Grant leaned back to lay down, and Hannah followed suit.

"I was always fascinated by stars and constellations as a kid," Grant spoke quietly, as if someone would overhear. "I know we're not too far from the city, so the amount we can see is limited but..."

"It's nice." Hannah squeezed Grant's hand in appreciation. "It's peaceful out here. And we can still see some stars."

They fell into a comfortable silence. The couple was content enjoying each other's presence and the clear view of the night sky.

"I think we should tell our parents about us," Grant whispered. He didn't want to ruin the serene silence, but he thought this was something they needed to address.

"Why now?" Hannah asked softly with genuine curiosity. "I don't disagree. I'm just wondering what you're thinking."

"Well, we are officially dating." He brought their still connected hands to his lips, gently kissing her knuckles. "And I know it's still new and we've only been official for a few weeks, but we've been seeing each other for almost three months now. And not to mention our families already know each other."

Hannah nodded despite the fact that they were both still looking up at the sky. "I think they deserve to know."

Grant turned his head to look at Hannah. "Is that something you want to do tonight when you get home?"

"Maybe. I know my parents are curious about who I've been hanging out with."

"I don't think mine have been believing my excuses of hanging out with my friend. But they don't care enough to ask."

"Has he talked to you?" Hannah had a habit of asking about the status of the friendship whenever the topic came up. She was curious but also wanted her boyfriend to have his friend back. She knows what it's like to not really have friends. She doesn't want Grant to go through the same thing.

"No." He sighed. "And I don't think he's going to. I stopped trying to initiate anything. If he wants to talk, he'll come to me. But I don't think he wants to. It sucks, but it's not like there's anything I can do about it."

"I'm sorry," Hannah apologized for the unfairness of the situation and for making him think about it. "You don't deserve it. You're one of the best guys I know. If he can't see that, then he doesn't deserve you."

"Maybe not. But he was my best friend for the last few years. I think I'm too loyal for my own good. If he was ever willing to be friends again, I'd let it happen in an instant. I feel like I should be mad at him for being so dramatic about it. Instead, I'm just complaining about missing him because he's my only friend. Was my only friend."

"What am I? Chopped liver?" Hannah joked in an attempt to lighten the mood.

He smiled and kissed her cheek. "You're different. You have no idea how grateful I am that I have you in my life. But we do go to different schools. We don't see each other all day, every day."

"I get it. But hey, we graduate in a few months, and it'll all be behind us. I've heard that a lot of high school friends fall out of touch anyway."

"Yeah." He chuckled humorlessly. "Thank you for keeping me sane."

She tilted her head and nuzzled her nose in his neck. She smiled and peppered kisses up his neck and down his jawline. Grant turned his head to meet her lips with his. He disconnected their hands and grabbed either side of her waist. Barely breaking the kiss, they shifted, so Hannah hovered over Grant. Her elbows rested on either side of his head. They continued to kiss as her fingers played with his short hair.

They eventually stopped. Hannah moved to lay beside Grant again. But this time, she was on her stomach—head resting on Grant's chest and arm across his torso. Grant ran his fingers through her soft hair and kissed the top of her head.

They stayed there for a while. Neither was too sure how much time passed. But not wanting to get home too late and get in trouble, Grant decided that they should get up and go. Hannah started to doze off, so Grant had to wake her. After some grumbling, she got up, and they walked back to the car.

"I'll tell my parents in the morning when I'm not half asleep," Hannah mumbled from the passenger's seat once Grant started driving.

Grant smiled at his adorable girlfriend. "Text when the deed is done?"

"Yeah, and we'll find out who tells them first."

"Sounds perfect."

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