Roommates ~ Kurtbastian (Glee) Part 3

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Fun fact: this was the first scene I wrote before I added the rest.

TW: mentions of self harm

Kurt just wanted to enjoy his night out. As much as he has grown to love Dalton Academy, he still needs his time away from the boarding school.

However, he spotted his main reason for transferring from McKinley to Dalton - David Karofsky. Kurt did his best to hide from his former bully and continue to have his fun on his one night out. But simply making eye contact with Karofsky was enough to make Kurt run out of there without an explanation. Blaine chased after his best friend, wanting to make sure the older boy was okay.

Blaine found Kurt quickly and helped him to Blaine's car. Besides Kurt's sniffling and suppressed sobs from time to time, it was a silent trip back to Dalton.

Kurt immediately got out of the car once Blaine parked. Not knowing how to comfort his friend and knowing he most likely wanted to be alone, Blaine let Kurt run off presumably back to his dorm room. He would talk to Kurt tomorrow.

Hopefully, Sebastian doesn't give him a hard time, Blaine thought, thinking of Kurt's sometimes cold-hearted roommate.

Kurt found his way to his room with ease despite the tears still flooding down his face. He slammed the door shut, forgetting about his roommate, and rushed into their bathroom. He closed that door gentler than the last one and locked it. He sat with his back against the cabinet under the sink. His mind had been racing since he got in the car. All of the bad memories came flooding in.

Sulking in silence for a few minutes, Kurt stood up and shakily reached for a little container in the back of one of the higher shelves. He took out a razor blade with caution and placed the container back in its hiding spot.

Sitting in his original position, Kurt stared at the small weapon in his right hand. He debated on using it. He knew he shouldn't do that to himself. He always felt ashamed and (physically and mentally) weak after. But it gave him temporary relief, which he really felt he needed at the moment. Just as he began to move the blade closer to his already scarred arm, he heard his roommate call out, "Kurt, you know I wouldn't usually bother, but are you okay?"

The question made him freeze. This was Sebastian who was asking. The same Sebastian who constantly bickered with Kurt. They practically hated each other. Why would he care?

"Kurt, if you don't answer, I'm gonna be forced to pick this lock." Sebastian normally wouldn't care much about his roommate, but something felt off when he stormed in. It was obvious that he wasn't alright, but it seemed to run deeper than just a bad night.

"Go away," Kurt finally responded.

"Open the door or else I'll do it myself."

"Don't bother."

"Alright, I'm coming in, so you better be decent in there."

Kurt heard Sebastian working on the door and quickly started to see the door opening. In his haste to hide the blade - knowing he wouldn't have time to put it back in its original place without Sebastian seeing - he opted for a spot on the floor behind him.

Sebastian looked down at Kurt. He looked so small sitting there. The taller boy squatted down to be at the same height as Kurt. "What's wrong?"

Kurt shook his head, not wanting to explain. He didn't even talk to Blaine about it. Unlike Kurt's nosey roommate, Blaine knew not to ask questions. He knew that Kurt would talk to him when he was comfortable and ready.

Sebastian sighed. "Look, I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong."

"Maybe I don't need or want your help," Kurt mumbled, feeling slightly annoyed that he wasn't being left alone.

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