First Dates (2)

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A/N: This is a continuation of the previous one shot titled 'Formal Events' but you don't have to read the other one to understand this one. (Although, it does give some background about the characters and such.)

When Hannah told her parents she was going out, they were surprised, to say the least. Their daughter isn't known for going out in her downtime unless it's to bring her two younger twin brothers out somewhere. It's not because she doesn't want to. She just doesn't see much of a point in going alone. Where's the fun of it all if there's no one to share that joy with?

Hannah's mother was more than excited. She wanted to ask Hannah all about where she was going and with who. She was most curious about who her daughter was close enough with to go somewhere with them.

Hannah's dad, on the other hand, was much more stoic. He just wanted her to be careful and not come home too late. He also wanted to know who she would be joining tonight as he wanted his only daughter to be in good hands. But he didn't want to push, knowing his wife would more than gladly ask all the questions.

In the end, Hannah told them that they were a close friend that she trusted. Her parents accepted the information, aware that she normally had good judgment.

They gave her a curfew of midnight, not wanting her night to feel rushed but not wanting her to stay out all night long. They didn't really think she would anyway, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Hannah and Grant agreed to meet up at a restaurant for dinner. Grant would have been happy to pick Hannah up at her house, but they didn't want to get either of their parents involved quite yet. They'd be happy about it, the teens were sure, but they didn't want the adults to meddle in their relationship.

Hannah was glad that her brothers were busy playing games in their room. They definitely would have asked questions - and not out of genuine curiosity, but to poke fun at her and tease her about it being a date (whether it actually was or not).

She got her essentials and got in her car to meet up with Grant. She enjoyed the ride by listening to music and thinking about the boy she'd be hanging out with. She wondered whether their outing would be considered a date or not. Hannah wasn't quite sure if she'd admit it to Grant, but she kind of hoped it was a date. She hadn't put a ton of thought into their relationship, but she liked talking and being with him. She could picture herself dating Grant if the opportunity arose. But perhaps, she should wait to see how tonight went to really know if they're compatible. Talking was easy at formal events, a place where everyone is meant to be sociable.

Hannah parked her car in the small parking lot and looked for Grant's car. By the time she spotted it, he was already walking over to her. She quickly grabbed her purse and met him outside, locking the car before shutting the door.

Unsure about how to greet each other, they ended up in a slightly awkward but comfortable hug.

"How are you?" Grant asked once they pulled away.

"Good. I managed to get out without Toby and Theo knowing, so I escaped their questions for now," Hannah mentioned her younger brothers and their invasive ways as they entered the restaurant. "How are you?"

"Good. My parents assumed I'd be going out with that friend I mentioned to you. I haven't told them about what happened."

"How are things going with him? Have you talked?"

"Not really. We've seen each other in school, but he's basically been ignoring me." They stopped in front of the hostess. "Table for two, please."

She brought them to a small table and gave each of them a menu, briefly saying that a waiter would come around.

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