When You're Sad I'm Sad

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A/N: So this is another short one inspired by yet another song. This was inspired by When You're Sad I'm Sad by Charlie Puth. I have a lot of feelings about this song. And this little concept came about. I think the final product came out differently from what I initially had in mind, but sometimes the stories write themselves.

I turn around and you're there saying, "please don't go"
So I take you back 'cause when you're sad, I'm sad

"Nat, you can't just go back to him after what he did."

"That's easy for you to say. You don't see his face. You can't hear how upset he is."

"He hurt you, Nat. And you can't keep letting him."

"You don't get it, Diana! It's not that easy," Natalie held back a sob. "You don't understand!"

Suddenly overcome with emotion, Diana yelled back, "Yes, I do! Because I went through the same thing!" She paused to compose herself before continuing, "I had to sit through someone crying and threatening suicide. I was terrified, but I refused to get back with him."

Natalie gaped. "You never...when did that happen?"

"Doesn't matter," she brushed it off. "This isn't about me. I just need you to understand that getting back together isn't going to solve your problems. He messed up. You can't give in just because he's sad that he lost you to his own mistakes."

"But he-"

"It doesn't matter. You can't enable him, Nat. He'll take advantage and hurt you all over again."

Natalie stayed quiet and let the tears roll down her cheeks as she thought things through.

"How did you do it?" She asked a few minutes later.

"I had to keep reminding myself that he was the one who messed up. That I couldn't get back together with someone who cheated on me. There were times I thought it'd be easier to just take him back. But I didn't because I just knew he'd do it again."

"How did you know he wouldn't...go through with his threat?"

Diana let out a shaky breath. "I didn't. I may have...placated him a bit—made him think there was a chance of getting back together, but I knew in my heart of hearts I couldn't do that to myself."

"You never told me," Natalie said softly. She didn't want to sound accusing; she just sounded concerned.

"I never told anyone." She chuckled humorlessly.

Natalie suddenly clung to Diana, and the latter immediately reciprocated the tight hug. Now, both girls were crying—for themselves and each other.

"Please don't hurt yourself by getting back with him," Diana said weakly once the crying lessened.

"I'll try," Natalie promised.

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