And Just Forget The World

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A/N: Title (unintentionally) taken from Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. Fun fact: A family member was watching a movie and the only part I saw was a bunch of people slow dancing and the camera kept panning to these two guys and so that made me want to write a little something. And so here it is :)

And suddenly, it felt as though they were the only two in the room.

Cal and Frank had been hiding their relationship from the general public. They knew a lot of people would be upset by the news, and they really weren't looking to make the headlines.

But now, they were attending a private event. They came together as "friends". They noticed a lot of people were up and dancing, not paying attention to anyone but themselves and their partners. So the couple decided to join the crowd on the dance floor and pair off during a slow song.

Each pair was close together, only acknowledging the person in front of them. So, the two of them decided to do the same. Cal had his arms wrapped gently around Frank's neck, while Frank held the other boy's waist securely with his hands.

At that moment, they were the only two in the room. No one could ruin that. Even if it all went to shit the next morning, they would always have that dance, where nothing but the two of them mattered.


Cal Murray and Frank Abruzzo are a singer and actor, respectively. Both are huge successes in their field. They had known of each other for years, as they attended the same college at the same time. But they didn't actually get to talking until years later, when Cal worked on the soundtrack for a movie that Frank starred in.

They met officially on set one day and hit it off. They initially bonded over their shared alma mater. Then, after work that day, a group of coworkers went out to dinner together. Frank and Cal sat next to each other and wound up greatly enjoying each other's company.

They exchanged phone numbers at the end of the night and texted almost constantly for weeks. Eventually, they were both able to find time in their busy schedules to get together for a proper date. They had talked about it a few times in passing. But it took awhile for them to be free at the same time.

The two of them met up at a restaurant known for keeping the business of celebrities that come in under the radar. They requested a table away from the windows, which resulted in a knowing look from the hostess. She sat them at a quiet table in the back with a wink and small smile. It was obvious that she had been working there for a long time and knew all about discretion.

At the end of the night, Frank accompanied Cal to his apartment, where they shared a brief kiss by the front door. Unbeknownst to the other, they both went to sleep with a smile on their faces.

After the first date, they continued to text a lot with some phone calls sprinkled in. It was hard for them to plan dates since both of their jobs were demanding. But they made it work. And it wasn't until after their fourth date that Cal worked up the courage to ask Frank to be his boyfriend. Of course, Frank agreed, and they've been dating ever since.

Although, on their next outing, they had a serious conversation about who they would be okay with knowing. Together, they decided that they weren't going to hide their relationship from their close family and friends. They were okay with some colleagues knowing, as long as they wouldn't spread the gossip to anyone. Cal and Frank were both adamant that they wouldn't make it public. Maybe one day, they agreed.

The couple knew that they would be all over the headlines. One, either of them announcing any sort of relationship would make waves. Two, coming out when the public generally thinks both are straight was guaranteed to cause chaos. And three, the two of them together would result in a lot of people talking (positively and negatively).

As famous as they are, neither loved being in the spotlight. They loved their fans, but there were always some that liked causing issues.

Almost a year after they started going out, a party came around. It was a private, invitation-only event hosted by a colleague that they both got invited to. Neither really had anyone else to bring, so they decided to go together. The public was vaguely aware that Cal and Frank were friends, knowing that they got along well on the set of the movie they worked on. They wound up being paired up at times during the promotion tour. Their fans loved the interviews they did together and wanted more content of the two of them.

They showed up to the party together as friends, as far as everyone else knew. They spent most of the night spending time with each other, only occasionally socializing with the other guests.

And then, all of a sudden, they had the same thought. To hell what everyone else thought.

They saw all of the other couples on the dance floor and realized that they wanted to join in. So, they did. They didn't care about the outcome—they only cared about the present.

Frank guided Cal to an empty spot and placed his hands possessively on his boyfriend's hips, causing Cal to slide his hands up Frank's chest and around his neck.

They swayed slowly back and forth, turning lazily. After a few brief moments of eye contact, they rested their foreheads together. Cal shut his eyes briefly and savored the moment before ducking his head and resting it on Frank's shoulder. He gave Frank's neck a few chaste kisses and buried his face between his partner's neck and collarbone.

Once Cal had gotten comfortable, Frank kissed the top of his head and smiled.

Forget about everyone else, he thought, no one can take this away from us.

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