Catching Up ~ Hevans (Glee) Part 5

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Sam and I wound up spending a lot of time together in the last couple of days. Sometimes we went out, other times we hung out at one of our places. Today, we were at his apartment.

"Kurt," he muttered from his spot next to me on the couch.

I hummed in response. Turning my head to face him, his lips quickly captured mine. My hand went to his shoulder to pull him in closer, while his found my waist to do the same. We've kissed a few times since that first night after Scandals, and each one is just as great as the last.

Sam's lips left mine as they began to explore my neck. He was on the verge of giving me a hickey when we heard a phone ring. I gently pushed him away, despite how much I may have been enjoying the moment. He groaned a little in protest, making me smile.

I picked up my phone that laid next to me and answered, reading the name on the screen but not processing it. "Hello?"

"Hey, white boy."

I chuckled. "Hey, Cedes." Sam scooted closer, trying to hear both sides of the conversation.

"I heard you were back in Lima, and I wanted to see you."

"Are you telling me Miss Hollywood is actually back in Ohio?" Sometime after we graduated, Mercedes moved to California to pursue a music career. She was successful and managed to release an album.

"I am," I could hear her smiling. "So, do you want to meet up at the Lima Bean?"

I looked at Sam, who I know heard everything. "Is it okay if Sam comes with? We've been catching up."

"He's with you right now?" She then spoke louder, "Hi, Sam!"

He smiled. "Hey, Mercedes."

"Yes, of course, you can bring him with you - the more the merrier. I'll see you two in half an hour."

"See you then, Cedes." We hung up. I turned back to Sam. "And you didn't want me to answer."

"Hey, it could've been a scam call."

"But it wasn't."

"Yeah, yeah." He rolled his eyes. Leaning in, he asked, "Where were we?"

I moved away before he could pick up where we left off. "You are not leaving any marks on me when we are about to see a friend in public."

"Fine." He kissed me briefly before standing up. "Let's get ready then."

Soon enough, we were ready to go. Figuring it'd be better to get there early than sit around, we got into Sam's car and drove to the coffee shop.

We went inside and got in line to order. This time, I ordered and insisted on paying. "It's only fair," I told him when he glared at me.

Once we had our drinks in hand, Sam and I found an empty table. The two of us sat next to each other, leaving an empty chair on the other side of the table for Mercedes.

We made small talk while we waited for Mercedes to show up, which only wound up to be a few minutes. I noticed her when she walked in. I waited for her to get her order before waving her over. She smiled upon seeing us and bounded over.

I got up to give her a hug, and Sam followed suit. The three of us sat in our respective seats and talked.

"So, how is everyone?"

"Good. Blaine's been busy with his new job," Sam answered first. "Tina is kind of bored of college, but she's having fun."

"Santana's been busy with Brit and all the wedding planning. Rachel got back with Jesse, and they've been spending a lot of time together."

"And how are you?" Mercedes stared at me.

I sighed a little. "I'm okay." I glanced at Sam, continuing, "Better since I came to visit."

"Okay, what is going on between the two of you?" Mercedes raised her eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked nonchalantly.

"I mean that you two are acting differently." I didn't think we were that obvious. She seemed to have read my mind when she explained, "I dated you, Sam. And Kurt, you're my best friend. I know both of you, and there's definitely something you're not telling me."

"We're friends, Cedes."

"Don't give me that crap. What's going on?"

I looked to Sam. Even though it's only Mercedes, I am not going to be the one to out him. "I don't know." Sam shrugged. "We bumped into each other one night and have been hanging out."

She looked at us expectantly.

"And," Sam dragged out the word. "Maybe we've kissed a few times."

"And when did you plan on telling me?" Mercedes sassily asked.

"We're not dating or anything, so we've kind of kept quiet about it."

"That's not what I meant, Sam."

"Oh, right," he mumbled, looking down at his coffee cup. He made eye contact with the girl across from us once again and said, "I'm bi...or something."

"Well, I'm proud of you but disappointed that this is how I found out."

I chuckled. "I think it's better than my coming out to you."

"How did you tell her?" Sam asked with curiosity.

"It wasn't him actually telling me that was bad. But before he told me, he made me think he had a crush on Rachel, only to find out his crush was Finn."

I blushed. "Not my finest moment, I'll admit. But to be fair, you were the first person I told. I was terrified." I paused, thinking back. "God, sometimes that feels like a lifetime ago."

Mercedes nodded in agreement. "I miss seeing everyone every day. L.A. is cool and all, but sometimes it feels lonely."

"I know what you mean," I mumbled, completely understanding the feeling.

"I think that's a sign that you guys should visit more often," Sam contributed.

"Maybe." I smiled weakly.

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