The team finding out

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Wanda POV
Three days have passed and there was no sign from Y/n. She hasn't called or texted anyone. I am really worried about her. I don't really believed that she was going to Fury in the first place. There was something off about this situation and Nat felt the same. We all sat in the living room resting from our training. „She still hasn't called or texted?" Nat asked me dragging me out of my thoughts. I just shook my head no to answer her. „Nothing." I was frustrated about it. „We have a Visitor." Steve said pointing at the big window that showed us the landing side for the helicopters. I immediately got anxious about what will come. We saw the door open and Fury stepped out walking directly into the compound. He was alone. This doesn't seem right.
„Sorry to intrude you Avengers but is Stark around here?" he asked and everyone looked confused at each other. „Wich one of them?" Steve asked crossing his arms. „Agent Stark. I wanted to talk to her about a few things. It's urgent." he said in a deep voice. Nat and I looked anxiously at each other lot ready to face what comes next. „We're sorry Fury but she told us she will be with you working...and that was three days ago." Nat answered him. He raised his brows confused. „I didn't tell her to come. I was intending to visit her but if she isn't here where can she be?" he asked everyone. „We don't know either. We all thought she was with you. She hasn't called or texted since." I said with a worried tone. „Are you all telling me that she is missing?" he said angry. „Has there been anything suspicious about her?" he asked pointing to all of us. „She was saying goodbye to me in a strange way. As if she doesn't know what will happen when she leaves." Nat said and it made me think of the Night before she left. „That's exactly what I felt too. She was strangely saying goodbye."
I added. „She got a letter days ago. We didn't know what was in it but since she got it she was acting weird." Steve said. „I want you to find her. Who knows what happened in these three days. I wann know about the letter. So keep me updated." he pointed at Steve. „We will." he said concerned and Fury left.

It was silent for minutes. We all took this information in and we weren't expecting this. I had a feeling that something was not right but I didn't expect this and I wasn't prepared for it either.
„Who will tell Tony?" Nat asked looking at Steve.
„I will but I want to find the letter first. I don't wanna fish around in her room. So can you guys do it and tell me if you find anything?" he asked looking at me and Nat. We both nod in agreement. He walked off and we both went directly to Y/n's room.
It smells like her the moment we stepped in. I liked it usually but now it's making my stomach turn because she isn't here and in danger. We both walked around her room looking for any clues.
„Look." Nat said while I was standing in front of her bed. I turned around to see her having a flashlight in her hands. „What's so special about this? It's just a flashlight." I asked raising a brow. „Wanda This isn't a usual flashlight. It's an UV lamp. You can see hidden things with that. Maybe she used it for her letter." Nat stated to put the pieces together. No wonder why she is the best spy. She is slowing things faster than I can proses. „Well We can't really do anything with it. The letter is still missing." I said throwing myself onto Y/n's bedside. This was weird.
„Did you hear that too?" I asked her and she just shrugged her shoulders. „What are you talking about Wanda? I haven't heard anything." she said confused. „Listen." I loved again in her bed and I hear something crunch like paper. Nat opened her eyes wide hearing it too now. „Get up now." she demanded. I got up and we both took the pillow and blanket away. There was a letter under her pillow. I picked it up and it was empty. „This isn't what we were looking for Nat. It's just an empty paper." I said while flipping it around. „Wanda give it to me please." she stretched her hand out. „You have to learn a lot of things. I will teach you this sent of a spy." she said annoying me in some way. „You just gotta put one and one together." she said with the UV lamp in her hand. She opened the light and we both gasped at what we saw. A hidden message. A letter only for the person visible with a UV light. This is insane. I haven't seen anything like this before.
„What is this Nat? There are only numbers. This doesn't make sense." I said disappointed because that didn't really help us. Nat shook her head no to my disappointment. „This is cryptography Wanda. It's a hidden language. You turn letters into numbers and you have to translate them. It's easy but effective. Not everyone uses it." she said happy about what we found. „Well can you read it then?" I asked curious. „Yes but I have to translate it first. I haven't read anything in Cryptography in a long time." she went to the desk and took a piece of paper with a pen. He translated it fully before reading anything. Her expression went pale at what she read. „Nat what is it? Read it." I shook Nat's shoulder.
„This can't be true Wanda." she said worried.
„Nat you worrying me." she hasn't said anything and just handed me what she wrote down.
I read loud so that we both can hear it.

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