Bad,good, bad dream

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My body was feeling cold and goosebumps glided above from my back to my whole body. I was tossing and turning around not realizing what was happening. „Y/n you need to earn more powers. We need to know what you're capable off." the male voice was burry but I recognize the German accent immediately. Schmidt. Not a second passed by and my head got held into ice cold water. I was screaming and pounding for oxygen but I was way to weak for it. They kept me down there until I was right before blacking out. They knew how to do it right and they never missed. This was my wake up call ever day when they kept me in the cell.
„You will kill all off the people you Love. Starting with the Maximoff twin. She seems to care for you. She is you're weak spot." he was laughing as I was trying to breathe while I coughed out the water in my lungs. „I- will n-never...f-follow y-you're o-order." I felt like I was coughing my lungs out. It was the most exhausting thing wich took my energy every day. „Kill her or I will." I didn't respond and he grinned. I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen and I was shot. By Thomas. My flashbacks swirl around. Getting shot. Being operated on without anesthesia.
Almost drowning every day. Electroshock. Knife cuts. Getting whipped. The faces of Hydra agents enjoying seeing me in pain. The agony wich never seemed to end. „obey me."

These words dragged me out off my nightmare. I sat up holding my hand onto my chest. I hyperventilated to catch some air but it didn't seem like I would get any. My heart was almost jumping out of my chest.
I was sweating from all the stress. Everything moved in slow motion. I looked down at my hands trying to see if anything on my body has changed.
Where am I? „Y/n what's wrong?" Wanda's sleepy voice appeared next to me. I didn't respond. I was still trying to catch my breath. „Y/n hey." again her voice but now it sounded fully awake and concerned. I felt a hand on me and I shrugged together jumping up getting out of the bed. „it's me Y/n look at me. I am here." she got up and walked around the bed to come closer to me. „Stop." I held my hand out and she stopped for a brief moment. „Don't I-I will hurt you." she tilted her head in concern stepping a bit closer. „You can't Y/n. You had a nightmare. It's fine. Let me help you." my eyes wandered around looking at the place I am now. „W-where am I?" i was still catching Air with struggle. „You're with me. You're in a safe house. You are not with hydra anymore. I am with you okay. Take you're surrounding in Y/n." she was now close enough to touch my face cupping it. „W-what day is it?" I asked still anxious. „Wednesday the fourth April." she looked behind me then looking back at me saying
„3.15 am." I felt how I was getting some air now but not really fully. „W-Wednesday the f-fourth April...
3.15 a-am. Here with you in a s-safe house." she nod smiling softly at me. „Good. That's good. Take it in. If this helps you can do it every time when you have a panic attack okay? Now just breathe with me deep in and out." she was showing me with a hand motion how she took her breath in and out. I began to do the same and my vision became clearer. My breath was still shaky but I didn't feel like passing out anymore.
„T-thank you." she shook her head softly. „Don't thank me for that. I am always here for you okay. We will get through this together. I will help you." I just nod and leaned my forehead against hers.
„How long haven't you slept Bubs?" she asked me stroking the back of my neck. I didn't answer her and she lifted my head looking at me worried.
„How long?" she asked a bit more tensed but still caring. „Since I woke up... and back at hydra I didn't really catch any sleep. I j-Just can't." I closed my eyes trying to blink my tears away but it didn't help this time. „Y/n you need rest. I think I can help." I opened my eyes looking at her confused.
„How?" she waited a couple seconds. „I can put you to sleep and make you dream good. It will help you for a while." my heart felt a relief knowing that I will get some sleep. Even if it's only for some hours.
„W-will it h-hurt?" her eyes widen at my question.
Her eyes filled with tears wich I didn't want.
„No, no of course not. I would never do something to you that would hurt. It might only tickle you a bit but that's all bubs." I nod hesitated in agreement leaning against her again. She took me into a tight hug and I could let my weight fall onto her. I was breathing out shaky and relieved. I didn't know that I was holding in a breath but the release felt overwhelming.
We stood there for a while just taking in the hug we both needed. „Come on let's try to get you to sleep alright." she lifted my head from her shoulder and I nod in agreement. We got into bed as I leaned against her chest hearing her heart beat wich made me feel calmer than I thought. „Just close You're eyes and try to relax okay. You will fall asleep instantly and I will be here with you." I nod humming in tiredness. „Just get some sleep too okay. I don't want you to be awake just so that I can sleep for some hours." she giggled softly. „I love how you care but I will handle it don't worry. Just sleep okay." I hummed in relaxed and fell asleep directly.

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