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I was about to finish half my plate as Friday spoke up from. „Captain Rogers is calling in for a briefing."
Wanda let out a sight as she didn't want to leave since we don't really have much Time together.
I reached out for her hand squeezing it lightly. „I am sure it won't take long." I said and she nod in agreement. She got up to leave and Friday spoke up once again. „Miss Stark you Are required too for the briefing." Wanda stopped in her treck and looked back to me seeing me sitting there anxious.
„Hey it's fine if you don't want to." she said stroking my back lightly. I shook my head no and got up.
„It's fine... it's just sensitiv to be involved in missions again since I said I didn't want to."
„Well you don't have to. If we talk to Steve he will sure understand that you don't feel ready." I shook my head once again. „I am sure he will understand but I am needed and if that's the case I am not stepping back." she nod at me as we entered the meeting room.

„Good Y/n You're here. I thought you wouldn't come." Steve said as we both sat down. I glanced at Wanda and then back to Steve. „You need me here Rogers so I will be here." I said and he nod smiling softly at me. „Okay team well since the last meeting we got to find something. Y/n gave us Tony's helmet as we remember. We saw the hologram and began to look for his location." I shifted in my chair because I was filled with anxious thoughts on what will come next. Wanda noticed that and grabbed onto my hand under the table squeezing it to show me she is here with me. „he's in the Atlantic Ocean." This confused me. I mean how can he be inside of the Atlantic Ocean?? „Rogers is it?" Sam asked from across the table looking shocked. He only nod at his question and the room tensed up. I felt how Wanda's grip got tighter around my hand. It was squeezed so tight that my skin started to change color. This must've hit a nerve but I can't really keep up with what's going on.
„Can Someone fill me in please? I don't really get it with ‚in the Atlantic ocean'." before he could answer and fill me in Wanda spoke up only once „it's the Raft." she said quiet looking zoned out onto the table. „Is this? The underwater prison?" I asked surprised and Steve nod once again.
„Yes it is. Looks like This is Ross Favorite Place." he added and I don't really know how to feel about it. But since everyone is so tensed up it can't be good.
He turned to the monitor behind him and projected me a picture of this place.

My stomach twisted on seeing how lost this place is.
I mean it's freaking under water how am I supposed to get there? „So...when are we leaving?" I asked and
Wandas head snapped into my direction just as Steve does. „You Are going nowhere Y/n." both of them said synchronized. I raised my brows at how they both acted really protective. „Of course I am going! This is my dad we are talking about and I am not letting him stay at this place for any longer."
They both shook their heads violently. „I am not letting you go there. I told you this before. You will not set foot on This prison." Wanda said in a demanding tone. „It was hard even for me to get in there when I got everyone out a couple years ago. This isn't a place where you can walk in easily get who you want and walk out again. We have to think everything through before we make our move. Ross will expect us and this is the Problem. And we heard what Tony said. Bring Ross behind bars before you get me. So this is how we will work. You're father is strong he will get through it." Steve said in a concerned tone. „So don't get on any bad ideas." he pointed his finger to me. „I didn't really get much in that time, but Steve told me everything. Y/n you can't do anything umplanend and especially not alone." Nat said and I looked at her surprised.
Normal she is on my side but this time it's different.

„So what am I supposed to do? Sit around and twiddle my thumbs? Guys...Steve you called me in for a reason. You need my help so let me do something." he let out a sight knowing that I am to stubborn to not do anything. „Fine." he said and pushed me a flash drive over the table. „There Are a bunch of files about Ross. Read them through and sort everything out that is necessary. We will need it when we get him behind bars." I looked down scoffing at the work he gives me.
„You can't even leave the compound. So this is the Perfect work for you." I let out a sight nodding while I fidget with the stick. „Okay if that's everything you need for now I would leave and get it to it with my Paper work." I said it with a sarcastic tone.
„Yeah sure I was done anyway for today with this briefing. Inform us if you find anything valuable." I nod at him getting up to leave. I made my way to my room. „Y/n wait up." Wanda said and I turned my track to face her. „Hey. Sorry that I left like that."
She grabbed onto my hand again. „It's fine. I told Steve that I will help you with the files. Must be much." she said and I let out a chuckle.
„Fine if you want to go through that stuff with me I am happy to have you with me." and she smiled at me. „Let's go. We got a lot of work to do." I said and we went into my room. I closed the door and she sat down on my bed. I grabbed my laptop and the desk chair and dragged it to the bed side next to Wanda facing her. „Soo... I think We spilt the paper work up. I will print the last five years wich are the most important ones since everything that has happened..." I didn't need to mention what was going on since she knows what I am talking about.
„Are you ready to see all the things he had done? I mean we might get some answers on question we didn't even think about." This opened up another big aspect to think about. I didn't realize that I could find some things about me and my time in Germany or my time at hydra. „I don't think i am ready. But I have to do it either way. At least I am not doing it alone." I answered her and she placed her hand on my thigh. „I'll always be with you. It means a lot to me that you let me help you." and I smiled softly at her. „Friday can you please print the last five years about Ross. His bank connections, the government documents and the connection to hydra."
„Sure Miss Stark. This will take some time but you can pick them up in the lab after around 30 minutes. There are a lot of documents to print. I already sorted the most important ones out so that it will be easier for you to find valuable things." I nod even though Friday couldn't see me.
„Thank you Friday."  „Sure I am pleased to assist."
And I brought my attention back to Wanda.

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