(1) - Explosives and Education

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"Another bites the dust," I whisper as another bird plummets before imploding. "And another one gone, and another one gone. Another one bites the dust." My bow is turned into a guitar temporarily before I see it. I yank out my headphones and shove them in my pocket before zipping it.

No regular old person would have seen the quick flash of light. It was there and gone in the same instant. But, not gone forever. I stand up straight and sling my bow into its place. Everything is clear as day as I jump from the building I'm on, onto the next; following the suit.

It seems to be one of Tony Starks old Iron Man suits, watching me. It flies farther away as I follow it, but not too close as to alert it. Suddenly it whips around and I'm hidden before it can see me. The soft whir of the blasters gets closer and I pull out my bow and an arrow.

I look behind me and don't see the suit and slowly retreat from my hiding spot. "Ouch," I mumble as I'm knocked off of my feet as the suit sweeps underneath them. "Wanna play dirty? Fine." I send an arrow and it lodges in between the shoulder and arm. I run away from it and jump across the buildings as it explodes.

MEANWHiLE...(third-person point of view)

"What are you up to kid?" Tony Stark speaks to himself as he watches the strange girl, with strange eyes. He's standing inside his home lab virtually flying one of the surviving suits he has. She shoots an arrow at a speeding bird and it seems fine until it's falling, this is before it implodes and its guts shoot every which way.

Tony cringes as he turns the suit to look at her, as if she saw him, her eyes meet his. "Shit." He turns the suit around and flies it away, not too fast because the blasters can get loud. "Jarvis, do you think you could dim the lights in the suit?" Tony asks his computer companion.

"Of course sir." The eyes, hands, feet, and ark reactor in the suit all dim down to near black.

"Thanks," Tony says quietly.

"No problem." The respectful Jarvis returns. Tony turns on the heat signatures and doesn't see anything.

"Think you could get eyes on her?" He asks aloud and he finds her hiding behind a short concrete wall. "Can you get an ID on her?" This is the next question before Jarvis declines.

"She seems to be a ghost sir, I cannot find anything." Tony sighs and when he sees she has stood up, he flies the suit under her feet and she falls with an 'oof'.

"Did you check S.H.I.E.L.D's records?" The computer answers with a yes.

"Who is she?" The girl jumps up, her eyes narrowed as she raises her bow.

"Wanna play dirty?" She asks, "Fine,"

Before Tony can even see it happen she sends an arrow to the suit and it explodes. "How did she do that?!" He throws down the headset and Pepper walks into the lab.

"What's wrong?"


"Don't mess with me man." I chuckle as I drop down a fire escape and into my window.

"Really Nadia? Again?" My father is standing in my room, hands on his hips in an angry fashion.

"What's wrong with me being out at night? Since when are you even home?" I spit out sourly. My father has a super shady job, so shady I don't even know what he does.

"I'm home now and I'm saying no staying out till three in the morning!" I roll my eyes at his attempt at parenting.

"You wanted to be a parent so bad, don't start now." I brush past him and into the kitchen.

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