(28) - Practice and Pepper

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"Just imagine that you're pushing yourself out of your body, feel the connection snap from soul to body." I have my eyes closed as I imagine my mind outside of my body, going into Agatha's mind. "Feel the skull blocking you from entering her mind, break those walls down, imagine them crumbling," Frigga advises quietly so I don't lose concentration.

I gasp when I can hear the girl's thoughts. "What do you see?"

I push harder, "The waterfall, the wind in my hair and the sound of a horses hooves hitting the dirt. We're riding in the woods, on a path..." My voice is muddy as I sift through her brain and Frigga taps my shoulder; signaling that I should pull out.

When I open my eyes the girl is breathing hard, "Thank you, Agatha, please go see Hera in the healing room." The girl nods weakly and sends me a smile.

"I appreciate your willingness." A guard comes to help her walk as she looks a bit tired.

"Amazing!" Frigga's praise makes my heart warm. Should I tell her of my dream... uh... vision?

"Frigga, I uh... there was this dream I had..." She sits in the chair in front of me and gestures that I should go on. But what would I say? It's not like it's easy to explain. I have never had a dream so vivid nor feel so real.

It was as if I had hit my head, and I felt it in my bones when I woke up from the walking and using my powers for the invisible illusion. I felt so tired from the exertion and my head has been aching all day.

"Oh, yea... Frigga guess what, I dreamt that Loki was in it and he was in here... posing as you, and he mentioned a name I can't seem to remember and he knew about that weird voice I hear in my head sometimes... oh and I have seen him inside and outside of his cell on multiple occasions. I also made him mad and hit my head in the dream then woke up and realized the entire thing was a dream including hitting my head... weird? Right?"

It doesn't really roll off the tongue well... does it?

I decide not to tell her, it doesn't feel like something she needs to be worried about. "Um, well I turned myself and another person invisible in the dream... and when I woke up I felt tired almost as if I had actually done it."

She rubs her chin and nods, "We can start working on it if you like? It's a difficult task but you may be capable since some 'witches' as the Midgardians say have dreams of the extent of their power." Frigga explains, accepting my lie.

"If you would like to head to the dining hall for breakfast you may," I thank her and walk quickly to the hall to avoid the thoughts plaguing my mind. You would think a young fifteen-year-old wouldn't bee so damn stressed with things so out of this world.

"Hello, Nadia! How was your night?" Thor asks as I sit beside him, across from Sif.

She sends me a small smile, "It was good, thank you for asking, Thor." He just nods in response. They all begin small talking about any future battles and how it would go down, who would have the largest body count.

"I believe Nadia would," Hogun speaks up and the group looks to me, I flush red. I was busying myself by eating and I just crammed a piece of bread in my mouth.

I chew it quickly and swallow it, chasing it with some water. "Why so Hogun?" Clearing my throat before I ask him.

"We all saw what you did to that man during your fight. You could easily take over a group of enemies and end them, like this," He snaps his fingers and my vision sways for a second. I see a golden glint and something purple before I'm back in the hall.

"Oh, um... I haven't really gained much control over these powers yet. I don't decide when they show up..."

Volstagg strokes his beard, "Maybe if we make you mad, they'll be of use?" I shrug and begin eating in silence, what is wrong with my head lately?

It hurts and I'm very tired, "Can I skip training today Sif?" Her eyes are wide.

"What is wrong?"

She asks me and a yawn from me cuts me off, "I'm feeling really tired."

Sif nods, "Take all the time you need, when you come back tomorrow; you can use your powers in the fight."

This piques my interest, "Really?" She nods with a laugh.

"Yes. But go and rest." I finish eating and begin the short journey to my chambers, I love sleeping.

The bread, water, and fruits sit well in my stomach as I flop on the bed. I know if I get under the covers I will wake up sweaty and grumpy, so I just slide off my shoes and close my eyes.


"We are going on a trip, don't know how long it will be. But, you and May? You two are going on a separate trip. At least two weeks," Peter begins to protest, "No! No buts, no 'Why Mr. Starks'. None of that, May has agreed and has spoken to the school." Peter groans.

A vacation sounded nice but what if Nadia came back when he was gone? He couldn't wait to see her, he needed to tell her something. He was nervous but he knew she needed to know.

"Mr. Stark–"

Tony cuts him off, "I know what you're going to say. 'What if Nadia comes back?'" Tony taunts the teen in a whiny voice.

"Even if she does, we got Natasha, Steve, etc., etc."

Pete sighs, "What about my friends?" Stark scoffs at the boy and throws a blueberry in the air and tries to catch it with his mouth but it misses. Peter lets it fall to the carpet and Tony frowns at the bag, debating on offering the teen some.

"That Leeds boy? And the Jones girl? You can take one." Tony gives in a little.

Peter finally smiles, "Thanks Mr. Stark, what time are we leaving?" His mood has lifted just a bit.

"We're leaving next week, so pack something for hot weather." Peter nods and waves as he leaves the tower. "I am so not having kids..."

Tony murmurs to himself, "Is that so?" Pepper Potts asks and Tony jumps.

"I mean... if you wan–" Pepper cuts him off with a small kiss.

"Where are you sending him?" Tony shrugs.

"I haven't decided yet," Pepper chuckles and shakes her head at him.

"I heard the Bahamas are nice this time of year and why are you sending them on a separate trip?" He shrugs again and Pepper shakes her head once again.

Stark sighs, "Fine... they can come with us..." Pepper smiles, satisfied with herself.

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