(22) - Asgard and Asskickings

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"Again." I hold back my groan as Sif orders Fandral to strike again. I've been on Asgard for almost six months and god am I tired. Fandral brings his sword up and I roll out of the way, sloppily. I use my daggers to hold his sword from hitting me and he chuckles.

"She's getting stronger, but not strong enough." He just misses my stomach as I throw a dagger between his armpit, he laughs.

"But I am faster!" I point out and grab the blade with my gloved hand it begins melting.

"Nadia! What have I said of your abilities other than weapons?" I let my hand down and Fandral sticks the tip of the blade to my neck.

He causes me to fall to my knees as I lean away from it, "No powers, I know, I know. He's stronger than me... you can't let me fight the easier ones first?" Sif shakes her head no.

"Thor has asked me to train you, I will treat you as a warrior. And I expect you to act as such." I nod as Fandral offers me his hand.

I am glad I am young, it has saved me from his flirting... not that he hadn't tried.


Nadia falls to the floor as the Bifrost drops her and Thor in Asgard. She scrambles for her glasses and bag, "Ow! You didn't warn me, man..." Heimdall's eyes crinkle as he greets Thor.

"Ah, Lady Nadia of Midgard. It is a pleasure to finally meet you." Nadia's mouth is open wide, jaw slack.

"You... you... you're Heimdall... holy shit!" Nadia jumps up in excitement, hand extended. Heimdall stands there a bit confused.

"She's a young Midgardian, technically a baby." Thor explains as Nadia scowls.

"A baby that can kick your ass." She mumbles as Heimdall nods her way.

"We'll be on our way now, thank you, my friend." Thor bids Heimdall goodbye as Nadia eyes the horse disapprovingly.

"I would rather walk..." She begins walking down the Bifrost bridge, eyes wide with wonder.

"The horse is much faster, but I do know a way of transportation in which you prefer." She turns around with a smile on her lips.

"Really?" Thor knew how much the girl loved to be flown around.

"I'll have the guards take the horses back to the stables." She runs over to Thor and hugs his waist.

"Come on goldilocks I wanna see this place!" Nadia giggles as Thor chuckles and they're off.

Nadia's eyes are open as she stares at the fast passing city, Asgard is beautiful, so... golden. Thor stops them in front of the palace, "Woah." Nadia is a little dizzy since she never keeps her eyes open when they fly, "Are you alright?" She nods and walks toward the palace in a daze as she tightens the strap on her bag.

"I'm better than alright! I am in Asgard! The Asgard!" She's running up the steps and Thor just follows behind, allowing the girl to have her fun. "Oh my god!" She's staring at the ceiling in the long hall to the throne. The ceiling is beautifully painted and it depicts Asgard's history. "They even got your hair right..." She's in awe.

"Let's go, I want you to meet someone." Thor turns her down a different hall, away from the empty throne.

"Who?" Nadia asks as she runs her fingers on the walls, so smooth.

"My friends." She smiles and nods, Nadia was excited.

She was ready to come to Asgard for the few months and train as a warrior.

Thor pushes open the large door and Nadia peeks down the hall, there are women in dresses looking at her. Whispering to each other, she narrows her eyes before Thor pulls her into another room. "My friends! Meet Lady Nadia of Midgard!" The four of them all train their eyes on Nadia.

She blushes from the sudden attention. "Hi..." She waves as Thor squeezes her into his side.

"Lady Nadia, when I received word of your arrival I wasn't expecting such a beauty," The blonde warrior kisses her hand and she bursts into laughter.

Fandral looks rather confused as the girl laughs, Thor joins in. "She's merely a child Fandral," The man's face turns red.

"Oh, no..." She giggles again, "It's.... it's okay, I'm flattered but like..." She winces. "I've got damage, it isn't you... it's me." Thor somewhat understands the reference whereas the Warriors Three and Sif are struck with confusion.

"Oh! It's a Midgardian phrase that's related to breaking up with your significant other." Volstagg stands up and walks over.

"I apologize for Fandral, he flirts with anything that resembles a woman. I am Volstagg a member of the Warriors Three." Nadia smiles at him as Sif and Hogun make their way over.

"I am Hogun," The man who looks to be Asian nods at her with his hands folded in front of him. Sif seems uneasy about the young girl.

"Sif do not be sour, she can be your friend." Thor teases and the woman disregards him.

"I am Lady Sif, the only female warrior in Asgard." Nadia gives her a smile.

"Not the only one if I prove myself to be strong enough." Thor pats her shoulder,

"You are strong enough, come now, let's eat!" The way to the dining hall is filled with talk about Earth.

"Now that is something I can get behind!" Volstagg announces happily obliging to Thor's command.


"You have excelled greatly in your abilities, I am proud of you." Sif compliments me and I hug her, she returns it by patting my side. "What are you studying in magic today?" She walks beside me as I make my way toward my chambers.

"I believe Frigga is teaching me more illusion magic." I am very lucky the Queen of Asgard has taken a liking to me.

She offered to teach me magic and I am doing great. It was a very slow start but once I figured it out, things picked up. "Thank you Sif, I appreciate it." She sends a smile my way as I enter the chambers. Thor didn't hesitate to give me the best, I am thankful for him.

I have a bathing room attached to the main room and a large closet. I miss showers but the water here is always the best temperature. The bath I take washes away the sweat on my skin as I change into a dress. During training, I wear pants since Sif managed to convince them to give me some.

I wear dresses when wandering and studying magic since it draws attention away from me. Even though my glasses ruin the entire thing, but Frigga found a way around it. She put an illusion on my glasses so whenever I'm wearing them they aren't visible to anyone but Frigga and myself.

The particular dress I am wearing today is my favorite color, dark green. I'm becoming fond of the dresses but miss the practicality of pants. I still have my daggers with me at all times. "Hello, my child." I smile at the endearment.

"You look beautiful Frigga." She laughs, today will be a short lesson since there is a party of some sort later.

"I understand that you are leaving soon, so I will have the things of your choice packed for you. I also wanted to give you this." She hands me a book, it is small but thick.

I open it and smell the pages, they smell like rain... weird. "Thank you, may I ask what it is?" She nods and I flip through the book carefully.

"It's full of magic, so you may continue your studies on Midgard. As I do expect you to update me through Heimdall." I nod in understanding.

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