(40) - Redwing and Rumlow

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Wanda adds sugar to her coffee while I sip mine full of creamer and sugar. "Alright, what do you see?"

Wanda answers for us, "Standard cops. Small station. Quiet street, good target." I smile a bit at her and say some random words so it doesn't look like she's talking to herself. After Tony and Peter came back, Steve, Sam, and I were already gone; looking for Bucky aka The Winter Soldier and Rumlow aka Traitor.

Wanda came off of her short vacation. Alina stayed back in New York to experience regular teenager life. "There's an ATM in the south corner, which means?" Steve asks and Wanda looks to me.

"Cameras." I state behind my cup discreetly.

"Both cross streets are one way." Steve's voice sounds again.

"Compromised escape routes," Wanda and I say at the same time.

She smiles at me and I return it. "Means our guy doesn't care about being seen, he isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out. You two see that Range Rover halfway up the block?" I glance up for just a second, I don't need much longer. I've been learning more eyesight spells so I've enhanced my eyesight a ton. Wanda's still a bit uneasy but let me dye the ends of her hair yellow. It looks like fire now.

"Yeah, the red one? It's cute."

I snort and Wanda rolls her eyes playfully. "It is not cute, it's screaming for attention being that bright..." I mutter and take a long sip of coffee and recall how many red cars that were driving the speed limit get pulled over.

"Also bulletproof, which means private security, more guns, and more headaches for somebody. Most likely us." Natasha comments and I stare at my now empty cup with a look of longing.

I would ask for more but we're close to catching him. The bastard who tried to kidnap me aka Rumlow. "You know we can move things with our minds... right?" Wanda asks and I hear a couple sighs.

"Being aware of your surroundings aka looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature." Nat scolds and I nod to that.

"She's right Wand if you aren't too careful you'll end up dead," I think at Wanda and she nods.

"I know, it's just hard to get used to this life after being no one for so long."

I agree with Wanda completely. Becoming hyper-aware wasn't too hard since I've been pretty paranoid my entire life with shooting things at three am and whatnot. "Eyes on the target, this is the best lead on Rumlow in six months. We can't lose him." Steve's voice is stern and we all grow quiet.

I can hear something loud coming our way, an engine. "Eyes up guys, I hear something." Just as I finish warning everyone a garbage truck begins rushing through traffic.

As if there weren't any people walking or other cars. It just didn't care. "Sam, the garbage truck, tag it." I can almost hear the whoosh of Redwing detaching itself from the back of Sam's Falcon pack.

"Truck's loaded for max weight, plus, the driver is armed." That's no good.

"Guys, it's a battering ram," I state in awe, by now these type of things shouldn't surprise me but they do.

It's been nearly one year since I became an Avenger and I still get surprised. "Go. Now." Steve states and Wanda's facade drops.


She asks a bit loudly then coughs to cover up her surprise, "He isn't hitting the police," Steve states solemnly. The sound of gunfire and a loud crash cause Wanda and I jump up, leaving our trash behind as we run toward the crash site.

"Body armor, AR-15's. I make 7 hostiles." Captain declared as Sam began flying in, I pushed myself into the air and throw two guys to the ground at once.

"I make five," I point out and Wanda throws a soldier to Sam.

"Four." He states. "Rumlow's on the third floor," Dropping to the ground I land beside Wanda and smile at her.

"We got this," She nods and gives me a nervous smile. "Girl's just like we practiced," Wanda looks at me, her face is poorly masked with indifference. I can practically hear her heart beating erratically. "Wh-what about the gas?" She stammered and I grabbed her hand to reassure her. "Get it out, Nadia you know what to do," Wanda was still nervous about using her powers to their full extent but I've been accepting them a bit more.

I lift Steve through the window while Wanda begins to remove the gas from the building. I help her and we begin getting a large cloud of it. "Portal it out?" I ask and receive a yes, I abandon helping her get it out and work on a portal big enough to just toss it through and close it quickly.

"Rumlow has a biological weapon." Of course, he does, I shake my head and stretch the portal around the gas Wanda is collecting. "On it," Natasha states as I work on making the exit to the portal as high in the sky as possible. "Sam. He's in an AFV heading north." I set down a gadget I made out of some scraps, it holds portals open for about five minutes after I release my hold on them. Very useful when I get knocked out.

"I count four, they're splitting up." I send myself into the air and see Nat abandon her motorcycle then run on top of the cars, chasing after two guys on the left.

"I got the two on the left," She says and I fly ahead of her, "They ditched their gear. It's a shell game now. One of them has the payload." I reach the guys before Nat does and wiggle my fingers at them, taunting them. I pretend to throw a bag at them but send a ball of purple to one of their chests.

He flies back and lands with an 'oomph' "He doesn't have it. I'm empty." I start scanning the guys for the vial and the other guy manages to get a hit on me but it doesn't affect me at all, he looks scared for a moment before a basket flies by him. He turns his head and Nat has her gun pulled on the man, he stares at her with his gun pointed at her too. I use this moment of distraction to stall his gun with the mist and make it mostly useless.

The other guy is up and in his hand is the vial. "Drop it, or I'll drop this! Drop it!" I nod at Nat and she begins putting her gun down, the guy switches his aim to me and I smirk at him. "He will do it!" The first guy yells as Redwing drops in and fires at the guy with the vial, Nat shoots the one with the gun while I teleport underneath the vial catching it safely. "Payload secure, thanks, Sam," Nat says into our comms. "Don't thank me." I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"Thank you Redwing," I smile at the little robot and pat it. "I'm not thanking that thing." Nat sounds done with it as I roll my eyes at her. "His name is Redwing Nat, he's like Vision. Just minus all the human bits. Isn't that right?" I coo, I like Redwing. Sure, he can't talk and isn't soft like a puppy but he's weird and so am I. "He's cute, come on. Pet him." I suggest but she shakes her head. "See, somebody gets him," Sam says and Nat shakes her head again.

"Still not thanking it." I watch as Redwing flies back to Sam and wave a little.

I begin flying back to Wanda when a blast throws me back in the air and I try to stop myself but something knocks me out.

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